
What is wrong with my budgie??

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ive recently noticed my budgie vomiting up bird seed and then eating it again..why is he doing this and what can i do to help him??

is this really bad??




  1. Almost Home is right. Please DO NOT listen to these other answers. a lot of inexperienced people are posting answers that are not correct and could do more harm than good.

    Birds regurgitate their food. Although it is a sign that he 'loves' you there is a reason for it too. birds have two stomachs... but not really like our stomachs. they eat food, partially digest it, bring it up again and then it goes through their system. IT IS PERFECTLY NORMAL!

    why dont you get a book about birds and how they work. it will help you a lot. there is not enough room on this page to tell you everything about them.

  2. I believe it is bad. I have such birds and I've never seen anything like that. I might be having trouble just swallowing things or digesting right away. Either way, I suggest you take it to a vet.

  3. take him to the vet and see what the problem is

    hope it helps

  4. It is bad, if he was giving it to you than it wouldn't be bad because he would be "feeding" or "sharing" with you.

    Contact a vet as soon as you can.

  5. He is hungrey for certain foods try anything.

  6. well hes hungry but hates what you feed him, try something else like porridge and spoon feed him. if it continues see a vet

  7. He is bulimic  

  8. I dont think this is bad, maybe try feeding him some other things as well. Just remember lettuce is a NO GO! But try some other vegetables or crackers, maybe he needs some different things to eat.

  9. When your bird regurgitates his food, is he in the presence of a bird mate, or his human caretaker?

    Birds vomit to show affection, and feed the upbrought food to their mate, and eventually, to the offspring they produce.

    However, if this is not the case, a quick vet visit could be in order.

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