
What is wrong with my cat???

by Guest58498  |  earlier

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About a week and a half ago, I noticed that my kitten/cat (she's around 6 months old) had some kind of cut where her neck and chest meet. The fur around the area was kind of red from bleeding im sure, but it was hard to see the cut with all the hair in the way. anyway, it didn't seem bad because she'd l**k it and clean it and we thought she just got in a fight with anyother cat possibly. But now, just yesterday I woke up and saw her and she now has a hole about the size of a quarter where that cut was. the hair is completely gone, the skin is gone. so it's like you can see inside of her kind you were either seeing the muscle or possibly bone. im not sure. ive never had to bring a pet to a vet, so i'm wondering how much it costs just to bring one in and get her looked at. also, if anyone has any idea what might be wrong with her, let me know because i am clueless. she wound seems very clean though because she's been l*****g it. just any answers would help. thanks.




  1. take here to the veat it could be infected if you dont get it taken care of it will get wores she could die

  2. you NEED to get hat cat to the vet. yea its going to cost some but its for your cats health. seriously i can't believe you didn't take her/him in earlier. if you can see inside the cat...THATS BAD!!!  

  3. She has a bad infection and needs antibiotics and some immediate vet care.  Don't wait.  GO NOW.  This really is something that cannot wait.  Be prepared to spend several hundred dollars on this... why haven't you brought her in for shots?  You say you've never been to one before... now is the time.  

  4. Wow that sounds really serious! Definitely take her into the vet like ASAP. If you call them or take her in and tell then what has happened then they will most likely get her in immediately!

    I really hope your kitty is okay!

  5. you should seriously take her to the vet! She probably has a bad infection

  6. Ewwy, that sounds infected. You'll have to see a vet for antibiotics.

    My vet charges $35 for an office visit...but you'll probably have to pay for the meds, and for the test to see what it is.

    I paid about $90 when my Roman cat got an'll probably pay close to the same.

  7. sorry but that doesnt sound good.. is there anywheres she could have cut her self on?.. Call the vet and bring him/her in, it might cost a lot of money but your kitten will be safe and healed in the end.

  8. Years ago I had a male cat that was a fighter and he came home with wounds that couldn't be seen all the time.  A few times the wound would get infected and abscess exactly as you described your cats wound.  I took him to the vet the first few times until I finally realized all the vet was doing was give me a tube of antibiotic ointment to put on the wound.  If your cat needed medical treatment he probably needed before now.  At this point it sounds as if it is healing and he is taking care of the cleaning of it.  If he is eating, drinking, using the litter box, and displaying normal behavior then I would give it another week or so ( it will probably heal completely by then ) unless of course it becomes infected, p***y, or you notice a change in his behavior.  Good luck!  I think kitty will be just fine.  

  9. hi, sounds like a burst abscess, if its burst then she will be fine, the poison is out now, just help her and keep it clean with an antiseptic wash,it will take a while to heal,and for the hair to grow back,but it will.  this happened to my cat and he is fine now. this probably happened from a bite or scratch from another cat.....hope all goes well...good luck

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