
What is wrong with my foot?

by  |  earlier

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Since the beginning of the summer I have had a pain on the bottom of my foot let me see if I can explain where it is....if you have on a pair of flip flops it is on the inside where the flip flop goes together, by my arch.

Since I thought it was the flip flops I stopped wearing them, (no flip flops most of the summer ERRR) and no relief. I am walking on the side of my foot. I have a limp.

I go to the dr tomorrow, but anyone with any ideas?




  1. DR.IS THE BEST 4THIS PROBLEM.but don't worry u want treatment.

  2. Maybe its a bone spur/calcium deposit.  Maybe wearing flipflops all summer created a problem.  I am sure its nothing serious except for the pain and having to walk on the sides of your foot.  Good luck sweetie.

  3. Maybe if you look at your foot you might have a black dot there, it could be a piece of wood, or something stuck in your foot.

    I've had the same problem, and that'ss what was wrong with me.

    Also it could be a wart, or sour, or something,

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