
What is wrong with my metacarpal?

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I have what feels like a ball of bone protruding from the palm of my hand near the base of my middle finger. I think it's attached to (or part of) my middle finger's metacarpal. I don't think I've broken the bones in there... and for a while I thought my bone was dislocated and sticking up, but then I realized that that is just not right - the bone is fine on the other side and I have good use of my fingers... so... what could it be? It usually doesn't hurt unless I've been working with my hands a lot, but it is very uncomfortable. Thanks for any thoughts you might have.




  1. what you have sounds like what is known as a ganglion. It is basically a collection of fluid in the covering of the tendon of your palmar muscles, that hardens later on.

    It is usually harmless if it is small, and might just disappear on it's own

    However, if you notice it getting biger and it is obstructing movement, or there is pain you have ot see a doctor. A tiny surgery can be performed to remove it.

    don't worry...its not serious!!


    hope you get better soon!

  2. It could be a cyst, which are usually harmless and go away on their own, especially if it doesn't hurt or cause you pain. They can occur usually in the wrist but could occur near the finger joint as well. Not really sure what causes it, but cysts are escaping fluid from your bone that feels hard to the touch.  

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