
What is wrong with this name?

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What is wrong with the name Rory for a GIRL! I love it for both a girl and a boy. Why can't unisex names just be unisex and not have people bashing them because they believe one name should be stuck with only one gender? Personally I love boy names for girls. Any opinions on this matter? BE NICE!




  1. I like Rory for a girl!

    PS thats the name of the GIRL on Gilmore Girls

  2. its a nice name but i personally think of it as a boys name, only because i have a friend called Rory and you are totally correct, its an Irish guys name.

    If you want to call the little one Rory that is up to you, although i dont really like it for a girl its totally up to you and some of the people on here who are being too mouthy should reply with a bit more respect, each to their own, take care xxxxx

  3. "Would you really want your son to be picked on for having such a girly name?"

    You're the one saying uni names should stay uni

  4. I like Rory it's cute.

  5. i LOVE it as a girl name

    its just fun

  6. I love Rory for a girl. It does sound much more feminine. I really do wish that we lived in a world where unisex things can stay unisex. Like Devin, or Riley. We live in a world where a little boy with those names might get made fun of. I think that Rory sounds great for both sexes.

  7. I think Rory is a beautiful name for a girl. I think it's a great name for a boy or a girl. It doesn't matter what other people think. And it's an Irish name. I'm Irish so I love the name even more!

  8. I think it is fine. What I think would be a good idea is to name her Aurora and call her Rory for short. That is just a suggestion of course.

  9. I don't like it for a boy either. Always makes me think of a dogs name

  10. But that is the point, these so called "unisex" names can't be used on both sexes, because they're MASCULINE.

    Yuck yuck. What is wrong with you? James is not unisex, never will be.

  11. it's an awesome name!

    i love it and i think it's more feminine than masculine anyway.

    girls named rory are usually really pretty. [:

  12. I love the name Rori for a girl, I had it on my name list too.

    I prefer it spelled Rori.

    I like Rori Grace, Rori Elizabeth, and Rori Amelia. Who cares what everyone else thinks, as long as she won't be teased, name her what you want.

    Think about it, it'd be completely different for someone to name their kiddo Joseleighnah but Rori is cute.  

  13. I think is a cool name. I watch the Gilmore Girls, and her name is Rory. i like unique names. I luv it, go with it if you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Kings are girly? Since when? Never knew that.

  15. I honestly had no idea that Rory even was a boy's name. I always knew that it was the name of Rory on Gilmore Girls. I love the name! It's sweet, pretty, and innocent.

  16. Its cute, and different for a girl, so do it!! =]

  17. I don't think it's wrong. I actually like the name. Rory is such a cute cool name for a girl.

  18. I think Rory is a great girls name. I've heard as both a boys and a girls name, and it's never bugged me for either.

    There's a few times where I've heard boy names used for girls that I think it's gone a tad bit too far. For example, one of my friends named her daughter Charlie. I think it's cute, but not worth all of the mocking she'll receive as a child.

    Just my two cents.  

  19. I agree, except I'm kind of bothered that because of boy names being now used as girl names, there are less and less boy names to choose from. So that's the only problem I have. Personally, I love unisex names. Rory fits a boy or a girl. I love that name as well.

  20. thats a great name for a girl or boy...

    don't let people pressure you into picking a different name...

    just tell them it's your baby... so you get to pick the name...

    tell them to shut up...

  21. there is nothing wrong with it i love that name for a girl. like you i love boy names for girls

  22. I love unisex names to My friend name is Aaron but spelled Erin and I even met a boy named Ashely, if I ever had a girl her name would be Taylor. But I never heard people ever bash unisex names this is the first time I heard of this but Rory is a cute name an besides who cares what haters think they ain't nobody.

  23. I only like it for a boy.

    I just think there are so many really nice girl's names that everyone is passing over in favor of boys names. Those names are just being forgotten. I personally think that Bernice is a very nice girls' name, but everyone says it's "old" or "a granny name" and then they suggest a unisex, or boys name istead.

    I personally would rather have a less-used, "grandmother name" than a boys name like Page, Evelyn, Leslie, Ashley, Peyton, or Rory.

    If you have to use "Rory" for a girl, can I suggest another spelling. Like Raurie?

  24. Because some names aren't unisex. Such as Aubrey, Madison, Addison, Emerson, Mac names, Taylor. There's nothing feminine, girly, or unisex about any of those.

    Aubrey means "Elfin King".

    Madison means "Son of Maude".

    Addison means "Son of Adam".

    Emerson means "Son of Emery".

    Mac means "Son of"

    Tailors were always males. Females were and are Seamstresses.

    Rory isn't a name anyways. It's a nick name.

  25. Rory is cute for unisex.  I also like Jaymes, Smith,  Hayden, Hunter, Chris and Chase as unisex names.

  26. Naming a girl James is straight child abuse. I hope you never have children.  

  27. I really don't like unisex names because I want to be able to name my son Devon or Madison or any other boy name without people coming up and saying "Oh, what a beautiful name. Boy or girl?" That would really bother me. Then again, I'm also "one of those people" who realize that men and women are DIFFERENT! I'm not saying we're not equals, just different. Anyway, I'm getting off track. It's all opinion, and that's my opinion.


    Erin has been a girl's name for a while, and is not derived from Aaron. It's technically pronounced differently too.

    Ashley was originally a boy name. I can see in 50 years telling my grandkids that Michael was once a boy name, as I see my granddaughter Michael give me a strange look. Haha.

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