
What is wrong with you people?

by  |  earlier

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lots n lots of depressed people out there. get a grip folks---life is what you make it---need help? don't need to ask for it so much, just read the q&e's and you will get plenty of ans




  1. Hi

    I understand how you may think this and thats ok

    But there is a diffrence between people just being a bit sad and wingy and people who are actaully depressed.

    It's an illness were peoples brains are not producing the right chemicals in the right amounts I think you should just do a little research and get some more knowelege.But yes life is what you make it but it can be hard when people have a mental illness and it is actaully a real illness.

    Hope this has shead some light for you :)

  2. Mental illness has very little to do with social skills, but rather is a condition of the brain. It is sad that so few people learn this fact so late in life.

  3. Well done for trivalising a serious mental illness.

  4. sorry, the world's not full of social butterflies

  5. Aren't you the judging sort.  Perhaps judge what you know instead of what you know not.

  6. Can you fix diabetes by reading the q&e's?  Can you fix a broken leg that way?  NO!  They both require treatment and so does depression -- a mental illness caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain fromtoo much of certain endorphins.  Unless you have experienced it you have absolutely no idea, just like unless you have had cancer you don't really know what it is like!

  7. life is not what you make it. depression comes from a chemical imbalance in your brain. it's not like we're doing it on purpose. you're a jerk, get off the boards if you don't like what we have to say.

  8. Why do you think that you are so important as to be so toxic?

    I have friends who suffer very much under the weight of depression, some of them maybe do not have computers, some don't feel like hearing such nonsense out of such uncaring fools such as you.

    Hey, I was depressed when my dad passed away. I was so grief stricken I could hardly function What was my problem?

    Why couldn't I just get a grip?

    Who the F**k do you think you are??????????????????????????

    I have no issue with people being arrogant, becaue I can be very arrogant mysef, but this is beyond arrogance and borders on being anti-social. If you have no empahthy for depressed people that is fine, but keep your poision to yourself.

  9. rarooo!!!!!

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