
What is you farorite fruit

by Guest58749  |  earlier

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broccoli or carrots




  1. Broccoli. but I like mine cooked, topped with cheese.

    Carrots I'll eat them cut only cooked. Yum too both.

    Not my favorites. Aren't those veggies ?

    For fruits I like... Bananas, strawberries, peaches, oranges, watermelon.

  2. My favorite fruit is definitley a strawberry

  3. broccoli but better yet is nectarines, strawberries,  

  4. My favorite vegetables out of those two that you listed is carrots because I eat them all the time as a snack, and they're really good when you cook them and eat them with butter.

    My favorite fruit is mango because I just like the tropical taste of them and they're really good when paired with ice cream or made into a smoothie.

  5. they're not fruits you r****d

  6. wataaamelon

  7. carrots

  8. i like starfruit

  9. ummm... those are vegetables. But my favorite fruit is a watermelon.  

  10. out of those corrots, but my fav is hmm strawberries and kiwi fruit

  11. Pineapples




  12. Wow, really?  People are that stupid? Those are vegetables, you moron!

  13. Carrots are good from those choices.

  14. kiwi and lemon

  15. Apple

  16. Neither of these are fruit, carrots are vegetables, and I'm pretty sure that broccoli is too.  My favorite fruit is the mango, which is an acquired taste but well worth it.  If you get a ripe one fresh off a tree, you're in heaven.  If you live in a Northern state where they are hard to come by, don't judghe mangoes by the ones you'll be able to buy at the local K-Mart. Trust me, they are awesome.  Not to mention, an aphrodesiac.

  17. those are vegetables

  18. out of those: carrots (tho im pretty sure theyre vegetables...)

    my fav. is passion fruit

  19. those are vegetables

    i like berries

  20. carrots and then i like oranges

  21. neither of those are fruits... so probably a mango.

  22. White cherries. I tried them for the first time this week and they are great.

    Your choices are not fruits. So in case you meant vegetables:

    Carrots are great.

  23. Gotta love brocoli and carrots as a fruit?! I'll go with papayas.

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