
What is your age?...?

by  |  earlier

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I am curious to know the most common age group on yahoo answers..

Are you;

under 14



25-35(my category)


50 plus

thanks for your answers x




  1. 35-50 group

  2. 50 plus only just though last thursday to be exact but isnt 50 the new 40 lol.

  3. 18 - 25 I was 18 yesterday :D

  4. under 14!

    bt nearly 14!!

  5. 25-35 for another month then it will be 35-50.

  6. 35-50...good grief that's a big range...15 years.

    14-18  4 years

    18-25 7 years

    25-35 10 years

    Huge difference between a 35 and 50 year old.  

  7. i am in the same category as you, 25-35 (i am 28).

  8. 14-18

  9. 18 - 25 (just!!)

  10. under 14

    14 in Novemeber


  11. 14-18.

    Looks like we're a signifigant percentile :D

  12. I am in the 18-25 category

  13. 18-25 (i'm 25)

  14. 25-35 cat

  15. 50 plus hence the old biddy corny or what?

  16. 35-50 but at the lower end!

  17. 18-25 but I have to agree with Noah's mommy but not in a rude way it's just you will get more Yahoo users under the poll category because not everyone goes to parent category. :)

  18. I am 25 so where does that put me? In the 18-25 category or 25-35? O_o

    fix it! lol! XD

  19. 18-25... now pick me as your best answer please!

  20. 14

    good luck!

  21. 97

    jk jk


  22. 18-25 your hot lydia!!

  23. 18-25

    im 22

  24. well i'm in two, i'm 25

  25. 14-18

    though i've been told i'm very mature, and most of my best answers lie in catagories much above my selected age group.

  26. 18


    lol thumbs down for my age?! haha it's not like I can change it...

  27. 14-18 [17] lol  

  28. 18-25

  29. I am a Spanish girl and I am forty years old. Greetings.

  30. 50 plus  

  31. 18-25

    am 24 years old
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