
What is your biggest mistake?

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What is your biggest mistake?




  1. Getting married at 18 and getting pregnant right away to a guy I only knew a month.

  2. bought the wrong componments for my computer. hehe

  3. still waiting to make one...

  4. Giving everything to someone who doesn't even love/like me... Emo, I know...

  5. Falling in love with 2 men

  6. not trusting my gut

  7. Visiting this site.

  8. Loosing my virginity to a pot headed dumbass who never cared about me.

  9. Cheating.

  10. not making up my mind about things fast enough and not having a "game plan" soon enough.

  11. I am too talkative. I was told by a co-worker that another co-worker said not to trust me because I was a blabbermouth. It actually toned me down a lot.

  12. Not being smart with money.

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