
What is your biggest regret?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Missing the chance to go out with a boy I liked cause I pretended I didn't like him but later found out he liked me ;) but It was too late XD

    I was only 12 good and innocent and he went out with my best mate two weeks later , oh how it hurt lol XD =]

  2. running away from home at 16 and not being able to finish high school because of that....

  3. no point in having regrets, whatever was going to happen has happened ,just learn a lesson for next time and move on [No IF's times not going to go back]  

  4. My biggest regret is landing myself in debt with a credit card and an a nice addiction to beer

  5. getin married at 18, i'm now 24 and i now think that i should hav married at 25. well we can't go bak and change things can we.

  6. driving to fast n banging into a lambpost with a hired car--audi rs4!! lambpost trust me do a lot of damage!!!

    otherwise i dont regret anythin...

  7. Not going away to university

  8. You know, I don't have any because God guided me to where I am today and I've learned a lot from my mistakes so I say, don't have any regrets.  You are where you are today for a reason.

  9. Not listening to my Dad about the dangerous wires on the floor - then tripping over one and bashing my nose!


    -Gaa...Hannah. :)

  10. Persuading my mom to have another child.

  11. i dont regret......for everything that i had to go through in the past was worth it and has made me the person i am today........

  12. w/salaam

    eating the ice cream last night

    the taste was horrible

  13. i like how i  lived my life. not really any regrets.

  14. Alton Towers!

  15. Being born...No im JK

    Umm i couldn't remember all of the things i would regret. No use fretting over it though. Just live and learn is my opinion.  

  16. i regret wasting and not spending the last 2 days of my mother's life with her  !  it wasn't my fault she thought she was protecting me but she weren't !!

  17. I don't have any regrets because everything happens for a reason ;)

  18. I don't do regret. I imagine it would be immensely destructive. No regrets.

  19. Watching the movie: The Descent, at the cinema.

  20. Not saying I love you too and hugging my cousin before he got into that big accident that killed him..:(

  21. that I didn't find a form of religion that suited me earlier - it would have made things so much easier

  22. ither getin kicked out school

    or sleepin with me exes best mate


  23. not going to see my grandad in hospital 3 days before he died, i wanted to remember him how he used to be, and not the frail ill man he"d became.

    how i wish now that i could turn back the clock, and just have 2 minutes with him to say goodbye and tell him i loved him

  24. getting anorexia at 18 and damaging body so much that now i have no mate or life

    omg i wish i could go back so much

  25. My biggest regret is to married my husband!!!

  26. Not buying Microsoft stocks in 1992 even though I hate them.

  27. My biggest regret was giving away my parrots.

    WHY OH WHY!!

  28. dating

  29. Not asking out the girl of my dreams before she asked someone else out.

  30. Not following my dreams when I knew all along that I was capable of achieving them.  Not listening to my heart when I knew it was right and giving into peer pressure.  I regret starting to smoke cigs. even though I quit.  I regret not showing someone how much I loved them before it was too late and they died.  I regret not conquering my fears when the chance was right in front of me.  I regret not standing up for myself.  I regret the times I was a coward,  I remember them the most.  

  31. To allow muslims to enter our schools and universities because they are misusing the education system.  they should have been left to spend their time praying whole day long until allah comes to rescue them.

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