
What is your dumbest golf rule?

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What is your dumbest golf rule?




  1. women tee offs

  2. dumbust rule - not being able to take a drop from an divot

  3. Only use a wood, NEVER an iron to slug your partner when he's not looking.

  4. The worst golf rule used to be the 2-stroke penalty for hitting the flag with a putt.  The problem was that there was also a 2-stroke penalty if someone tried to move the flag to keep your ball from hitting it.  I think that rule has changed now.

    Now, the worst rule would be the stroke-and-distance penalty for a ball lost or out-of-bounds.  It totally kills pace of play.

  5. I think the dumbest golf rule is that if you are in a fairway bunker and you hit into another fairway bunker or green side bunker you can't rake the bunker that you just hit out of.  If you do in stroke play you are disqualified, in match play loss of the hole.

  6. Agree with lost ball, too stupid a rule for hackers like me, call it unplayable and drop one in the rough for a two stroke penalty (lostdrive?) laying 3.

      But the dumbest rule for me is the flagstick left in the hole.  I'd say:  NO penalty for hitting the flagstick while putting outside of flagstick length (maybe 7 or 8 feet).  No one makes those, anyway.

      Too much time is spent tending the flagstick from 40 feet away, then trading places for your buddy to try his / her 40 foot putt.  

      Roll it up there, see if it's inside the flagstick length, THEN pull the pin.

  7. In my opinion the dumbest rule is the embedded ball rule. I think you should be able to get a drop in the rough as well as closely mown areas if your ball is plugged.

  8. Playing from the wrong place. There are as many interpretations as there are officials. this can be from dropping the ball, taking relief from an obstruction, taking relief with a penalty involved, .

  9. No tamping down a spike mark. thats ridiculous. The other is the lost ball rule when no hazards are involved. You hit a blind shot straight ahead and cant find the ball? stroke and distance? also ridiculous.

  10. I think the worst golf rule is for a lost ball, if you are playing by yourself or with a friend and you lose your ball you get penalized, but on all the tours you have alot of people looking for the ball.

  11. to 'hitch hi'- just because you dont understand all the rules, dont claim officials just make it up.  Thats rediculous.  As many arm chair officials as there are at home, if that happened, you'd hear about it.  The rules of golf are designed to be black and white, almost completely void of "ball strike" calls.  The rules dont allow for the interpretation of intent.  If something is a penalty, its a penalty, period.  It wouldnt bother me if they called divots "ground under repair"  Everything else seems OK.

  12. That I have to count even a gimme.  I mean, hey, if it's a gimme, it ought to be free.


  13. I agree with googie, those fat retarded officials just make this garbage up as they go it seems.

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