
What is your favorite flower?

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What is your favorite flower?




  1. Sunflowers because they are my favorite color yellow.  Besides the seeds are delicious on salad.

  2. I love flowers, theres so many favorites it is hard to choose. I like peonies, at first i thought they were the ugliest things i had ever seen but when one of my customers forced one open it was beautiful. I love gerber daisies, coneflower, black eyed susan....ahh the list could go on... :)

  3. A yellow rose.


  4. I love all flowers,  

  5. Gardenia,,, heaven sent fragrance

    Would you prefer roses on your piano or tu-lips on your organ ?

  6. peony, they smell so good, oh, and lilacs too

  7. geranium they keep bugs at bay!

  8. My favorite flower is the lotus.

  9. lol errrm lillys and roses :)

  10. Hibiscus is my favorite, especially the large bright orange blossoms.

  11. Carnations and daffodils.  

  12. Pretty much anything that is pink. I just love pink flowers, lol!

  13. Sugar Magnolia its is a flowering bush/tree

  14. Roses!!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love roses! All kinds, shapes forms and fashions. Mr Lincoln, Tropicana, and JFK are my favorite...I also like Bougainvilleas....those are my next favorite to roses!

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  15. Rose Of Sharon (Though, I'm not fond of the tree itself, just the flowers)

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