
What is your favorite musical?

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  1. "My Fair Lady."  It has an unusually good story.

  2. Joseph and the Technicolor Coat; Biblical, interesting costumes, and great songs.

  3. High School Musical because of the singing and dancing.

  4. West Side Story. Music + Dancing.

  5. ive never seen one but if i would it had to be.... ughhh theere are soo many but it has to be  the one about Frankenstien

  6. There are so many good ones.  I'm going to say Show Boat, just because I doubt anyone else will.

  7. I liked "Oklahoma" for its down home ,ridin' horses through a cornfield tone.

    But, I must date myself by the Hippy generational movie and musical..."Hair". I lived through those times. Protesting against the Vietnam war, love and peace etcetera.

  8. Hairspray

    I love so many other musicals... but Hairspray (movie version) is my new love.  I love the music... it is upbeat and just fabulous.  I could watch the movie again and again.

  9. 42nd Street's my personal favorite. It has a really cute story behind it, great music, and killer choreography.

    Of coarse, it's the only one I've seen live. I think that makes a big difference to what you will like the best.

  10. The Phantom of the's such a dark love story, I can never get enough, and the music is amazing, I love it all.

    And, I must admit, I like High School Musical as's catchy, lol. But it doesn't compare to the musical genius of the Phantom....

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