
What is your favourite book?

by Guest31823  |  earlier

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Aside from Twilight, and that whole series...

Or Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. I'm not really into those books.

I like books with sort of hidden messages, bold characters, etc.

Have you read any REALLY great ones that you could almost die for recently? What was the title & author? What is the book about? (Without giving away spoilers, of course!)

I'm 14 years old, and I adore reading, I just never seem to find the correct books...

Thanks for your help in advance! :)




  1. The First Patient by Michael Palmer.

    It's a thriller; makes me ask some interesting questions, and brings up very frightening concepts.

    I don't really know how to explain it very well; go type the title and author in a search bar and see what it's about.

  2. I love Harry Potter. If you haven't read it, you should.

    My other favorite books are the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld and So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld.  

  3. Th1rteen R3asons Why, a novel by Jay Asher =]

    Dangerous Girl, by R.L. Stine

    Look under "Published Works".

  4. The Book Theif by Marcus Zusak. its a really heavy serious book with alot of meaning, its great, and its fasinating [especially the narriator lol no spoilers!!!] and its about WW2? i know its about the n**i invasion but the story is about a girl that is adopted [her mother gave her up to the gov't] and just the situation of living at that time....... man i want to say more but i dont want to spoil it. it is very good tho, at the end i was crying. alot. lol. but its a good ending.

    also if your looking for something more light, still has meaning and stuff, i definently recomend "I am the messenger" also by Marcus Zusak. WOW. that book would be an amazing movie lol. i wont say anything about this book though, other than its about this guy, a 19 year old taxi driver and he is really persective [does that make sence lol] its very interesting, and things start to happen to his friends & him, weird playing cards [like cards u would use to play at a casino] turn up in his mail box with addresses on them.... well i dont want to say anymore but its a great book!! i really recomment this book, its so easy to like this book. i hope u decide to read this book i know you would like it. =D and by the way i read this book when i was 15 [im 16 now] so i get what you are probably trying to look for. good luck.  

  5. harrrry potter foreverrrrr ! <333333

    rupert grint :-*

    i loveee him

  6. Harry Potter! theyre me favorite series.

    its the shiznet haha.

    This is another good series...

    -The Saga of Darren Shan (Cirque Du Freak in the US) by Darren Shan. Its about a young boy who is turned into a vampire and has to learn their ways and as his adventure continues, he discovers secrets that he would have never suspected.

  7. Harry Potter (all of them) very obsessed!

    Weasley is my King!!

  8. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

    My favourite novel of all time, teaches you all of life's lessons

    The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

    A memoir of a dysfunctional family living in poverty who manages to turn their luck around. Really inspirational

  9. You should try reading Dean Koontz Books. Some of them are really good. He wrote a book all about  subliminal messages...its awesome.  I can't remember the name but all of his books are suspensful and mysterious.

  10. I have LOTS of favorite books, but addressing what you seem to be asking, try "Stranger In A Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein. It questions EVERYTHING, challenges all assumptions - could a moral case be made for cannibalism? What if ALL religions are valid? Lots of assaults on conventional thinking, not that there is definitely any problems with any given convention - but WHY are you sure? Really a book to make you think.

    PS - the book Jennifer was talking about by Dean Koontz is "Night Chills" - very scary book.

  11. I like harry potter but some of my other favs are Artemis Fowl and His Dark Materials!

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