
What is your interpretation of love?

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Coming from your heart, what do you think love is/means?




  1. It is essence of all the things, good as well as bad.

  2. I saw something in the news today that is a good example of what love is.

    A grandmother in New Hampshire died while protecting a 3-month old baby from a tornado. She covered the baby's body with her own. They found her dead, but the baby was unharmed.

    Love is many things, but I think, in essence, it's caring about someone else even more than yourself. Even to the point of dying in their place. Love does not include selfishness.

  3. It's staying faithful and true to someone,it's aching for one's pain, yet they stay strong,it's when you can't sleep at night cause your thinking of that person , and when your together you hear nothing else but your heartbeat beat slowly, and you can't seem to forget that person's laughter or smile , it sticks on you for a while,it's caring for that one person ,actually , more than your own.It's having a heavy heart, when you never tell that person,that you love them.

  4. I think it is like opium. It is a drug smoked in the last century.

  5. When validation is usually enough and agreement is not required, the psychological components are there for real love. The physical aspect cannot be separated, and can often be worked out if the partners establish an effective, mutually agreeable arrangement.

    There is a good discussion of those topics on <>

  6. Love is a deep and complex phenomena that guides us as a species, an instinct that aids the survival of humanity using many methods, including reproduction, and care and protection for others.

  7. Love either exists or don't.  It's that simple..

    We can't be forced to love someone or anything.

    Love is just 'is' and is unconditional, strong, caring, trusting, and forgiving.

    Love comes from the heart and soul, but if one's mind gets more involved when it should be, it will weaken that love and make the person insecure and question every thing that love  stands for.

    When my mother used to tell me "use your brain and not your heart", that would totally insult me and just went against her wishes..I always used my heart in all aspects of decision-making, and if I made a mistake, I just learned from them and moved on.

    Love is what makes this world go round.  The brains corrupt it.

  8. Love is all what you make of it. You do things you wouldn't normally do for anyone else.

  9. Love is the trust and respect built up between a couple as a result of their companionship. Love is not limited to those in any boyfriend/girlfriend or even a husband/wife relationship, but is available to anyone who loves their friends for much deeper meanings than those who think a friendship is established over "cute boys" or "totally awesome shoes".

    Love is ambiguous. My thoughts of love differ from the next person, but there is no such thing as a wrong love. However, I still wonder why people say "I Love You" to each other when they VERY well know it's false. Many of the couples in my high school say that all the time to each other, but they know they just want to get into each other's pants. That's not love, that is a sick desperation coming out to try and resolve some lascivious desire.

    Love is not the flowers you give to someone on Valentine's Day. Love is the flowers you give to a dying friend, wishing they would get better. Love is the gift you give to a homeless person because you want them to live a happy life. This is not to say that love is measured in material things. For any couple that says, "It's my birthday. Buy me something if you love me," that's not love, but a desperate attempt at using their "lover" as a bank account and slave.

    I have never had a girlfriend, but if love fits the general mindset of love being an excuse for s*x or gifts, then I'd rather just avoid it. I love my brother, my parents, and my friends. Love comes within, not from a Hallmark or gift shop, and for those who believe it is, you are undeniably mistaken.

  10. I prefer the word care. I care about some people and things. They are a part of what makes me, me. Love is the term for narcissistic people developing infatuations so they can experience dissatisfaction when the other person is an inadequate mirror. Romance novels are kindling for this kind of "fire" and it is threatening to burn down the world (at least based on how often it comes up in yahoo.)

    I think care is what you do for others. "Love" as it is promoted in the American conciousness is about "being loved" either the fame game, or more fuel for alienation.

  11. Love is falling hard. It's caring about that person, more than anything. More than your life.

    Love is all around us. Love is in a mother's embrace, in a child's laugher, in a handshake...

    Love opens your heart, it feels you with butterflies in your stomach and soft sighs at the sight of your beloved.

  12. Okay, so this might sound kind or weird and be a little confusing/cheesy but... here goes:

    I think love is such a strongstrongstrongggg emotcion that it's really easily broken. I think that people overuse the word love, and that real, true, love is really rare. I don't think that love=marriage. I actually do not really like the idea of marriage. I think it's just an excuse to say that you are in love. Ever since my parents got divorced my views on love have changed. My mom was my dad's second wife, his first wife died of cancer, and this may sound really horrible, but I think he really did love his first wife, but he married my mom as a way to kind of ease the pain and as a replacement.

    So I think that if you really, truely love someone you don't need to get married.

    But love is really rare.

    And easily broken

  13. Universal!!!

  14. love is a mutual choice to seek truth with a witness to your life's journey. Love is being with someone through their struggles and having them there for you in turn. It is mutual respect, loyalty, integrity, and dedication.

  15. Unity

  16. Action action action action. Not the type when you go to a lounge. Their behavior, compassion loyalty honesty wisdom  their love for the creator and their love for themselves because you can't love me, if you don't know how to take care of yourself. If you abuse yourself you will definitely abuse me.

  17. Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.  

    It's the irresistable desire to be irresistably desired.

  18. Love is when you care about someone else more than you care about yourself. When their happiness means more then your own.

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