
What is your interpretation?

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In my dream, I can fly (like superman did) any where I fill like too. But by the end of my dream, I tried to do again, but fail. This happened many times. But I noticed that after that dream a few days later I got flu. Is there any relation to that?




  1. i love dreaming oNE TIME i had a dream that i was at camp but it was winter and every once in a while everything would go totally black and i would slide down a hill.  then we ended up at a costco and i was trying to but markers and candy for a picture signing  party but everyone had taken all teh good colored markers from the package and the only candy left were these nasty over priced mints. this is where it gets relevent: i was standing by the checkout on top of teh magazine racks and my bff was buying a blue shimmery vest and the pack of markers with the good colors and som eorange slices.  I got really mad at him because i wanted what he was buying and i knew that he didnt even want it.  so i went to the bread section and ate some bread that was in the shape of a banana and this old lady actually thought it was a banana.  and the next day i made a peanut butter sandwich...connection??????????

  2. Flying in a dream is a fairly common, but very powerful event. Flying events seem to be divided among those who fly spontaneously in their dreams and those who have a lucid dreaming event and choose to fly. In either case, the dreamers report powerful feelings of freedom in the flight.

    Flying as a spontaneous event often includes some special effort, like flapping one's arms, to get going. However, many people experience flight as soaring by a mysterious, jet-like power. These events are precipitated by a strong desire to travel or an imminent danger that requires escape.

    Flying as a lucid dreaming choice is often of the levitation variety. These dreamers simply choose to fly because, in the reality of their dream, they know they may. This may be related to astral projection or an out-of-body experience that some people undergo.

    These flights allow dreamers to transcend circumstances and acquire a more favorable or safer perspective. What prompted the will to fly-danger or euphoria-and where did the flight lead?

    will u answer my dream q ?

  3. Dreaming that you are flying means that you have the need to feel free. Our dreams are just an interpretation that our subconscious makes concerning things that we are involved with during our waking lives. Maybe you have a lot of responsibility or are under a lot of stress, or maybe you were getting sick and you mind wanted to get away from the illness. If this is a dream you have a lot, it's probably the former, if only once it could be the latter answer.

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