
What is your most favourite superstition?

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What is your most favourite superstition?




  1. That if you sleep with a bible under your bed, it will ward away the evil spirits.  My mother-in-law was having a lot of problems and heard about it.   She tried it and "said" that it worked for her.  I think that it's more mind over matter, but whatever.

  2. That govenments local state and federal work for the benifit of the people and not them selfs thats a ripper

  3. when yuh hand middle (ur palm) a scratch yuh it mean seh yuh a go get some money.

  4. I'm a musician with a regular gig; part of my pay is the tips I make. I believe that it's bad luck for me to count my money unless I am safely at home...not in the place where I'm playing, not in the car, not in the parking lot. My own personal superstition, but it's one I like to keep.

  5. my grandmother is a voodoo or lets say obeah woman

    once she told me you want to run with these visitors

    take a broom and put it upside down and trow salt

    i did it and people went


    and once  some one stole my gold chain and i didnt know wich of the for friends it was she told me put the bible infront take a string tie it on a small rock and put water in ur mouth then spit it out and it but the string on the bible mention ur friends name and the when it moves thats the person that stole it

    my grandmother told when my mother was young she didnt want my mother to have a date or a lover at an young ages so my grandmother gave me mother her  wedding ring and told my mom never to take it off only when you get older and my mom took it off and my mom met my dad

    my grandmother told me if you want a wish put 3 white candle and water with sugar and make 3 dificult wish

    and i remeber she told me once if you want the person to stop bug you take a piece of paper write the person name and last name and hit it 9 nine times with ur shoe and burn it and trow salt and cut the lemon in a cross way and sqeeze till the fire goes out

    and she told me also if you smoke when u put it out dont trow it infront of you only back of you or when you drink attleast trow a little beer on the floor

    she told me when some one sneeze hit in ur face 3 times

    she told when u see a old man with a red scarf cross the road stop leave him cross or u get bad luck

    she told me when its raining and the sun still up

    that mean satan and his wife fightingt

    she told me allot

  6. My favorite has to be when spill salt you have to throw it over your shoulder, it gives me a reason to throw salt lol. I also know your supposed to hold your breath when going by a cemetery, pick your feet of the ground when going over a railroad track in a car, but the salt throwing is my favorite lol.

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