
What is your most voting concern?

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What is your most voting concern?

So many issues in this election from economy, immigration, home land security, ect... What is your #1 concern that will be the biggest factor in how you will vote?




  1. That is a very good question.  I don't know if I could choose just one factor as the most important.

  2. The word Republican. That is how i will vote. We have kept our libery under Republican leadership, and I hope to keep it that way.  

  3. The fact that, like the person two slots above me, people don't have ideas about specific issues.  They hear "Republican" or "Democrat" and they automatically jump to that side of the fence blindly.  In other words, the fact that "puppet heads" are allowed to vote.  We have mid-teenage kids, nowadays, who simply parrot what they hear in their households without any exposure to how that kind of thinking translates into real-world experience.  Then they grow to the age of 18 -- the age when you know it all.

    I think, in some respects, you should have to pass a basic critical thinking assessment to vote.  

    To say that we have "kept our libery" (sic) under Republican leadership can be debated.  In fact, much of what has happened in the last eight years has been the greatest mockery of civil liberties this nation has ever seen.

    Go ahead, call me names.  Call me a "stupid liberal."  That's fine.  You're actually quite wrong.  Do I lean a little toward the left on some things?  Sure.  Do I lean to the right on other things?  You bet your rump!!  I'm what is known as an "independent thinker."  I don't let anyone tell me what to think on specific matters (not even my parents, and they're opinionated, but I haven't lived with them in almost 20 years, so...).  I agree with conservatives, and I agree with liberals, but I don't agree with both on everything.  No way.

    That's why I think we need a total do-over.  This upcoming election has been more about hype than content, and it's mainly because this is going to be one of the most spectacular elections this nation has ever had.  Never have we been more polarized.  I wonder why that is....  Hmmmm.......

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