
What is your opinion about levitation?

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Some say it is real.




  1. never seen it

  2. Levitation is certainly possible using magnets - many sky-trains around the world use such principles.  Smaller, lighter objects can be levitated by using air currents.

  3. Yea I think most of it is real. Yet some are just tricks. Like Criss Angel. His is a trick. But I think that David Copperfield/David Blaine ..sorry I forgot the name of the one. .can levitate. Because he barely goes off of the ground AND he looks like he gets really sick from coming off the ground like the feeling when your stomach does a flip sorta. Ya know?

  4. it probably is i suppose it is a gift

  5. If you are talking about Trancendental Meditation or something along those lines, then no, although to the person meditating it sure can feel real.

    This has been studied, although I do not have references right now, so you will have to do some of your own research on this.

    People go into those deep meditative states for hours on end, and actually shut down a part of the brain which is related to knowledge of body position, and orientation.

    This can create the very real illusion that one is lifting off the ground.

  6. I read once that there was a famous Tibetan monk who had a reputation for being able to levitate. He was finally approached by a reporter from the west who had wanted to ask him about this. He is said to have replied: "Bah! Levitation is easy ! Show me a man who can control anger !

       None has ever verified meditation anywhere.

  7. Of course it's real. Levitation is the process by which an object is suspended against gravity, in a stable position, by a force without physical contact. In another word, anti-gravity.

    You can buy an anti-gravity top from any mastermind toy store (called Levitron). I bought one and it's really cool to see the top levitate in mid air. There's also this magnetic globe that can levitate.

  8. "Hathyogis" happened to do it in ancient india. Today I think nobody is able to do it. People like Mahesh Yogi are cheaters and their sole aim is gaining money. Some people today are able to lift or shift small things by using their mind force up to some extent, but levitating a whole body of an individual, I don't think it is possible.

  9. Transcendental Meditation guru and con artist extraordinaire, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, says yes.  And he has made millions of dollars from lots of gullible people who thought they were going to fly.  As one person says, they bounce on their butts in a lotus position.  They think they "hang" or ever-so-slight a period of time.  But mainly they do it to take still photos of it and put them in brochures to make it look like people floating above the floor.

       The Maharishi never levitated or got anyone else to, but you'd never guess from the money he was making.  At one point he had 96 Rolls Royces.  And people still flocked to eat grubs and share infinity with the little bearded, grinning bunko artist.

  10. No, it isn't. There just isn't hardly any scientific evidence suggesting that it is. Besides, there are known stage trick methods to do it, so no need for magic/psionics/whatever.

  11. No.  Criss Angel and David Blaine will be the first to tell you, it's a trick.  No one can actually levitate.

    Next time you meet someone who claims it's real, ask them why no one has ever shown it to this guy and won a million bucks

  12. i have never seen it done so i can not say if it is real or not...i do think it would be very very very difficult IF it is real. you never know but until i see it i do not believe it.

  13. I assume you mean levitation by psychokinetic means. I would need better than "some say it is real" to believe in something so antithetical to our amassed scientific knowledge.

    What I think is hilarious, though, are the videos of these Asian monks bouncing off their lotus positions, thinking that at the top of their bounce they are levitating for a split second. Um, no. It's called ballistics  :)  (And by the way, they ARE showing all the world their attempt at levitation by agreeing to be filmed, knowing it would aired nationwide on US television.)

  14. I have no problem with it.  There are people who reject anything for which they did not see direct evidences.  They do not remain neutral.  They reject it even though there is no evidence to support the opposite.  They do not have a scientific attitude. It is not because they do not see evidences that there is none. Levitation was reported in many religious contexts, including Christianity.  As far as levitation through advanced transcendental meditation techniques is concerned, my understanding is that practitioners only have achieved the first step, which is not levitation. However, even this first step brings important benefits to the physiology. Moreover, many studies published in peer reviewed journals indicate that it also have positive effects on the surrounding environment.  So, there are evidences that something good is going on.   In regard to the Randi web site that was proposed by the answerer named eri,  I would like to point out that Randi is not a scientific. He is a magician that is seeking publicity.

  15. It's a load of BS. Nothing but smoke and mirrors.

  16. No. I don't think that people can use their mental capabilities to launch themselves off the earth. It sounds like a scam to me just like Loch Ness

  17. Magnetic levitation is real and easily explained by physics.

    Mental levitation is not real, has never been seen, and could not be explained by any known theory.

  18. I have not seen any evidence of it being real in my 55 years of life.


  19. It is possible to reverse the magnetic polarity of the body to push against the force that actually holds you down on the ground. It just takes a very devoted individual and a lot of time to spare practicing.

  20. its  not real...its just a illusion...FAKE

  21. It may exist, obviously those who could do it would not show the world for fear of being scrutinized and tested. I'm not a "science has all the answers" kind of person.

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