
What is your opinion on cheating...?

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Do you think that if someone cheats once, they'll cheat again?

Do you think that counseling could help someone who's cheated?




  1. nope, my dad cheated to get my mother and that is how i came along (affair child)! They have been in love ever since. They have not cheated.

    I beleive that once the cheater finds someone that is their true love they will stop doing it.

    (Trust me I know from personal experience as well)

    The reason most peps cheat is cause they are not getting forfilled by the one they are with.

    I think that conseluing will not help. It may calm it down for a while but not make it stop until they find that someone that they are truely in love with. Once you find that then you would never hurt that person for nothing.

  2. I think after the first time, it's definitley easier to cheat again.  For me, I would probably try counseling (after making HIM live through h**l) because I have a 5 year old and a baby on the way.  We both have divorced parents and we wouldn't want that for our son (we've talked about it, one of those what "ifs").  Everyone who knows my husband, knows that he wouldn't be one to stray, it's just not in him and he's just not that type of person.  Anyway, what's kind of ironic was that before we got married, my Dad's word of advice to me was, "if he cheats on you, then you should take him back" as if it were something that would happen (this was out of the blue).  Well, we've been married for 7 years now, and my Dad divorced his last wife a couple of years ago (cheating was actually not an issue, and as far as I know, he didn't cheat on his last two wives but he did with my mother.  Needless to say, I had a lot of issues).  Some men think it's ok, I guess, and others wouldn't do it in a million years.      

  3. I guess depends on why you cheat? some people cheap because they can and they will never stop and others the relationship isn't has fullfilling as it use to be or just maybe they're board out of there minds with the same old s**t everyday where nothing never changes.

  4. People do make mistakes; it doesn't mean they'll repeat the mistake, esp. if it was a painful one. Counseling could help, if the cheater was willing to change and determined to work on it.

    As for me, though, I'd put up with just about anything before I'd put up with a cheater. I could never trust someone like that again, even if it was just one time.  

  5. My opinion is people send TOO much effort labeling the other person a cheater than seeing where the relationship fell apart.  

    In a goof relationship both sides are having too much fun with each other to cheat.

  6. Nearly everyone is capable of cheating.  If a person chooses to cheat, it does not automatically mean they will repeat that choice.  The success of counseling depends on how well it address any root cause of the behavior.

    I feel the biggest obstacle to reconciliation is dealing with the breach of trust.

  7. As humans, we have the ability to make choices about our actions.  Just because someone cheats once, it doesn't guarantee that they'll cheat again - but it does show the lack of integrity they have and the chances that they'll do it again are probably pretty high as they don't have respect for themselves or those they're involved with.

    Counseling only helps those who really want to change or be helped.  They can change w/out counseling.  Cheating isn't some urge that people have no control of.  

    hahaha - I had to read Jack's twice.  At first, I pictured a sheep chasing a dog.  Poor dog.  ;)

  8. I don't believe once a cheater always a cheater, because people can change. I do believe that if you in a marriage or a serious relationship and you love that person and your not just dating counseling might not be a bad idea. If your even thinking of getting in a serious relationship some people need counseling before they jump into anything. Because some people have not idea what the heck they want. I can tell you this though if someone does cheat there is usually a reason behind it. The reason my seem stupid to you but maybe not to that person.  

  9. There's an old saying; "the only way to cure a sheep chasing dog is to shoot it". However, it's NOT TRUE!  

  10. The cheating gene runs in a cheater's blood.  Once a cheater always a cheater.. the urge never goes away.

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