
What is your opinion?

by Guest11101  |  earlier

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WHen you have a child with a learning disability (reading/spelling)

do you avoid all word games (scrabble, word search) completly

or do you play the games and modify them (allow dictionary for scrabble, highlight start letter for word search, etc)

the reason I ask is that I suggest word games for childrne with learning disabilities-but another response indicated that was wrong-that they shoudl be avoided...




  1. no dont avoid them  there then felt lioke thy have to be treated diffrent and cant play cirten stuff cause there special ed plus it increses there readind and word useage wheen you do that in a fun way

  2. My husband and my son are LD in reading and writing. Neither can be successful in word games. There is no point in attempting to play them. It is not play for them. Although I do recommend playing card games and board games for students LD in math.

    My son and I used to play one though on the way to and from the tutor - an hour trip each way. We would spot a word we knew. For instance, "I spy" Kmart, Stop, Speed Limit 65, and so on. As he got older, we read longer signs (billboards) as much as we could read before passing them.

    We would also make rhymes with words we could read, or think of a word that starts with /b/, /str/, etc.  (oral activity)

    LD is my specialty. I have lived 37 years surrounded by this disorder. I have taught 26+ years and specialized in LD for the last 20.

  3. How can someone who has a problem in a given area learn if they avoid doing things that will help them.

    I'd say use those games to help. It is something fun and it will be a lot less frustrating than if they stuff up on a worksheet.

    My friend's family play scrabble but they allow you to use names instead of just words. Both the mother and daughter possibly have dyslexia (basically self diagnosed, they haven't been diagnosed by a proffession)

  4. No, I think that word games and trivia is a good way for a child, especially a learning disability, can learn because through this it will challenge their brain to get them to think outside of the box.
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