
What is your pet peev?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know why this bugs me so much, but i was at some ones house and i used the bathroom. i noticed that the woman only had a bar of soap, shampoo conditioner and a razor. yes that's all you need per say, but come on when you are a woman you need ALL the goodies. i have so many soaps, scrubs etc... it just drives me crazy. does anyone else have a thing that is silly but bothers them.




  1. Mine is when I text people I would always say "Hey, what's up? How are you?" and I would sometimes get a reply like "Fine," or "Ok."

    Grrr pisses me off lol .

  2. well there's nothing wrong with keeping just the minimum things u need, cause everyone is different, and not everyone likes extravagance. well girls do like to have ALL the goodies, but its a general thing about them- its not a rule. so dont feel so weird, get over it

  3. I have a few.  When the fitted sheets come off of the corner of the bed. That just makes my blood boil.  I also hate when people mispronounce words.  

  4. people that have a pet peev

  5. i have so many pet peeves, i'd get a violation notice for ranting... :D

  6. maybe she put away all of her goodies since company was over.  

  7. My pet peev is when people act nice then go around talking bad about you. It drives me crazy!

  8. i gets on my nerves if sb has bad breath
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