
What is your saying for life????

by  |  earlier

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if u had to pick a saying that u live by what would it be????? and why???

mine is: " if there's a will, there's a way"

i picked this bc if u want something that bad in life u can always find a way to do it =D




  1. Thinking about living

    is not living.

    Lao-tze, "Tao Teh Ching"

  2. live for today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come

  3. "Don't regret anything that makes you smile."

    "Don't worry, be happy, 'coz every little

    things gonna be alright"

    These keep me going : ]

  4. 'treat others like you would like to be treated' -from the main man, J

    'if it doesnt kill you, it only makes you stronger'

  5. time is gold dont waste it.

  6. It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problem just with potatoes. -Douglas Adams.

    Not everything can be explained and life is hard at times. Why not pick a saying that is just completely ridiculous and makes me smile every time? Smiling is good...

  7. carpe diem

    "seize the day"

  8. w/out trust, there's no love

  9. ~~Today is the first day of the rest of my life!~~

  10. there are more old drunkerds

    than there are old doctors

  11. Live like you were to die tomorrow, learn like you will live forever.

  12. i have a couple...

    "an unexamined life is not worth living"

    "enjoy enjoying"

    "reach for the moon, but if you miss you will land among the stars"

    hope this helps!

  13. "Here's to the nights i can't remember, with the friends i'll never forget."

  14. Live, laugh, love and lift.  

  15. Life is absurd and meaningless

    No matter what you do.. No matter how you change things.. Nothing has value nor meaning.

  16. Live everyday like it's your last.


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