
What is zam zam????????????

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peeps on here chat about it and i dont know what it is/does




  1. heheh, its water that comes from a well where mecca was founded by the baby ismael. his mother ran from mountain to mountain searching for water for her newborn child but she couldn't find any. Ismael kicked his feet on the ground crying for water, and water started gushing up from the ground, making a water deposit and well. people from all over arabia crossing that region went to her to buy water from her and that's how her trade started. She founded mecca by spending her wealth to settle, as other people joined her, that place became a thriving community.  

    that part of her searching for water, running from mountain to mountain showed that one she was physically able to: the women of islam are not weak little women who are oppressed and cant do anything, and two is part of our hajj ceremony. It gives her so much respect and acknowledgment, yet people still say, islam oppresses and suppresses their women.

  2. When Abrahem was ordered by Allah to leave Hager, and baby ishmael in Makkah (then a barren desert only), after a long time baby ishmael was crying from hunger.  All food and drink they brought was over.  

    From the mother's love for her child, she became restless, and looking for if anyone/any caravan passing by... so she ran from tip of mount safa, to mount marwa seven times, and then heard water sound, and came to ishmael... there was water gushing forth from the earth where baby ishmael had his feet...........


    This well still exists today, and still drinkable, full of mineral, and is drunk by everyone travelling to makkah, or those living there, even transported(limited amount).  By Allah, this well was the cause of makkah becoming a city full of people from a barren desert.  

    Then when ishmael became in his youth, abrahem and ishmael were ordered to build the kaa'ba (the black fabric colored brick house in makkah).

    ... and the story goes on.

  3. zam zam is water from mekkah

  4. Zam Zam is a type of water, which is in Makkah only.

    This water is food and water at the same time i.e it fulfills all the requirements of the body.

    And according to authentic hadeeth this water is can cure all the diseases, And I have a good experience of it.  

  5. Hi =]

    Zamzam is the name of the well that provides the water to billions of people, have thirstily drunk from throughout history, especially during the Hajj pilgrimage.

    The Zamzam well is located in Makkah, which is the heart of the Hajj pilgrimage. Standing only a few meters east of the Ka'bah, the well is 35 metres deep and topped by an elegant dome.

    This is more on ZamZam :

    Check out the miracles of this amazing water!

  6. Upon completing the seven rounds of the Tawaf; and after offering two rak'ahs by the Station of Ibrahim, it is encouraged to drink water from the well of Zamzam.

    Both Bukhari and Muslim confirm that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) drank the water of Zamzam and said, “It is blessed (water); it is food for the hungry, and a healing for the sick.” It is reported that the angel Jibreel washed the heart of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with its water on the Night Journey.

    A person drinking Zamzam water should intend and hope to be healed, and obtain its blessings and whatever is best for him in this life and in the Hereafter. It is desirable that one should drink Zamzam water in three breaths, face toward the Qiblah, drink as much as possible, and praise and thank and supplicate to Allah.

    Elaborating more on the etiquettes of drinking Zamzam water, we will cite what Sheikh Sayyed Sabiq states in his well-known book, Fiqh As-Sunnah:

    “A person drinking Zamzam water should intend and hope to be healed, and obtain its blessings and whatever is best for him in this life and in the Hereafter. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “The water of Zamzam is (good) for whatever it is intended for.”

    Suwayd Ibn Sa`eed reported: "When the water of Zamzam was brought to `Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubarak I saw that he drank a little, then turning his face towards the Ka`bah supplicated, 'O Allah! Ibn Abi Al-Mawali told us on the authority of Muhammad Ibn Al-Munkadir, who narrated from Jabir that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “The water of Zamzam is good for whatever one intends (while drinking it).” I intend to drink this water to spare myself from being thirsty on the Day of Judgment.' Then he drank the rest of the water." (Reported by Al-Baihaqi, and Ahmad)

    Ibn `Abbas reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "The water of Zamzam is good for whatever one intends (while drinking it). If you drink it seeking health, Allah will give you healing. If you drink it to satisfy your hunger, Allah will satisfy your hunger. If you drink it to quench your thirst, Allah will quench your thirst. Zamzam is a well dug by the angel Jibreel by which Allah quenched the thirst of Isma`il." This was reported by Ad-Daraqutni and Al-Hakim who added, "And if you drink it seeking refuge with Allah, Allah will grant you refuge."

    It is desirable that one should drink Zamzam water in three breaths, face toward the Qiblah, drink as much as possible, and praise and thank and supplicate to Allah as Ibn `Abbas did. Abu Mulaykah reported: "A man came to Ibn `Abbas. He asked the man, 'Where are you coming from?' The man replied: 'I am coming from the well of Zamzam.' Ibn `Abbas asked him, 'Did you drink from it as you are supposed to?' "The man asked: 'O Ibn `Abbas, how am I supposed to drink it?' Ibn `Abbas replied: 'When you drink its water you should face the direction of the Qiblah, remember Allah, drink it in three breaths, drink as much as you can, and praise and thank Allah when you finish drinking.' The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “A major difference between us and the hypocrites is that they do not drink their fill of the water of Zamzam.” (Reported by Ibn Majah, Ad-Daraqutni and Al-Hakim)

    Ibn `Abbas used to supplicate Allah, whenever he drank Zamzam water: "Allahumma inni as’aluka `ilman naïf`an wa rizqan wasi`an wa shifa’an min kuli da’in (O Allah! Grant me beneficial knowledge, bountiful provision, and a healing from every disease)."

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