
What jobs pay very well?

by  |  earlier

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I just turn 18 so now I can get a better job than the local McDonalds. Now Im curious to see where I can find a listing or what people recommend as a new job. Im trying to save up for a eurotrip by next summer. I have one job now Id like to find one that pays more than my current job ($7.00). Something along the lines of $8.50-$10 would be good. Any ideas?




  1. You have not indicated your educational qualification or profession. In the absence of these particulars it is difficult to answer your question please !!

  2. Well for about 15$ an hour landscaping is good

  3. You will make more money working for a private company or corporation versus any government or non/profit.  Depending on where you live check out local job opportunities on line.

    Don't get discouraged if nothing happens right away.  Entry postion strategy should be a numbers game.  You'll have to be persistant and cover all the bases.

    Good luck.

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