
What kind of headache is this?

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It was only hurting around my forehead, but now it's spread all over my head. And I can hear it throbbing in my ears




  1. It could be your basic headache brought on by stress or other external factors. Here's some information on tension headache:

    A tension headache will usually start at the front of the head and go the back and can last from 30 minutes to a week. Generally, your best bet

    is try to relax, and apply a cool cloth to your head and gently rub your temples. Try to avoid external stress factors. Usually, Tylenol will help in the case of a tension headaches.

    A migraine is more complicated and tends to impact more systems. Usually proceeded by a strange aura and vision changes. Often you are also nauseous, need total darkness and no outside stimuli. Just need to lay down in a dark room. Also, there are very specific medications needed to treat migraine that require prescription. A person's first migraine requires medical attention for diagnosis.

    A couple of other things to consider is COULD this be caffeine withdrawal? I'm not sure if you drink caffeine or not, but sometimes people don't even realize if they haven't had caffeine in a while and their body is used to it that a headache can result.

    Also, check your sinuses to see if they're tender. It could be a sinus headache. If it's a sinus headache. There are many OTC medications you can take for that.

    I hope you get relief soon.

    If your pain gets worse consult a Doctor.  

  2. It's probably a migrain, it's gonna get worse if you don't lye down and take some pain medication / pain releiver. Hope it's better. =]

    Make sure you know your symptoms before taking the meds though case thats not the point, but the pain releivers and stuff should fix it if its stlll just a headache and nothing more thorough like internal brain damage or trauma. Thats obviously worse case scenario, don't mean to scare you just see what's going on, it's prob just a migrain =]

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