
What kind of pandas are there??

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I'm doing a power point and I need to know what kind there are




  1. Giant panda - There are two subspecies of Giant Panda which are:

    Ailuropoda melanoleuca melanoleuca

    Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis or Qinling Panda.

    The red Panda is of a different species, but shares much of the habitat, of the giant panda

  2. Only two,

    1) Giant Pandas

    2) Red Pandas (also known as the Lesser Panda)

  3. There are two kinds of pandas. The giant panda which inhabits cold, damp coniferous forest in China between the elevations of 4000-11000 feet and resembles a bear. The second is the red panda which inhabits the same area as the giant panda but at elevations of 5000-15700 feet. The red panda resembles a racoon. Both eat bamboo almost exclusively.

  4. 1.  Cute pandas

    2.  Cuddly pandas

    3.  Cute and cuddly pandas

    4.  Zombie pandas - you have to watch out for those.

  5. There are two kinds of panda.

    The Giant Panda is the well known black/white "bear", and the Lesser Panda, or the Red panda, is a smaller species that looks very similar to a raccoon.

    You could include in your presentation the debate over whether the Giant Panda is a member of the bear family or the raccoon family.

    I hope this helps!

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