
What kind of plants are these?

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I bought these plants at school at a little plant sale. I have no idea what they are. I think they are both succulents (maybe?).

One has rather thick broad leaves (the biggest are about 2-3 inches long and 1-2 inches across) that are purple around the edges and grows these wierd little spines or twigs off of the main plant, but they do not seem to be roots.

The other is rather small, it has about 5 leaves that are light green but with many dark green spots, almost like leopard spots.

Here is a link to some pics I took of them, hopefully this might help someone ID them.





  1. I think the first is a Christmas or Easter cactus. If it is, it will be very easy to grow and get some nice red or pink flowers.

    The second looks like Aloe vera - the same plant that is used in all kinds of cosmetics, etc.

  2. The one with broad leaves having its margin wavy is Bryophyllum. It can be vegetatively propagated through the buds which are developed from the margins of the leaves.

    The one with  leaves and having green color patches on the leaves may be Sensiverena, but I am not sure.

  3. The first one looks like a kalanchoe.  Not sure about the second one, but definitely a succulent.  Perhaps a member of the aloe family.

  4. The one is a kalanchoe, the other I believe is a wood hyacinth/silver squill (Ledebouria socialis - see photos: ).  These are members of the hyacinth family, but are grown more for the leaves than the flowers.  The reproduce quite well by dividing the bulbs (which should be about at the soil's surface, yours looks a little deeply buried), so I'm not surprised that you'd find it at a plant sale.  In a year or so, you'll probably be donating some of your own to sell.

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