
What language is this?!?

by  |  earlier

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holla pablo en' re ast guay

what is it saying?!




  1. it say Hi Pablo, you are g*y and it is Spanish.

  2. its somewhat latin    

  3. spanish defanutly i speak spanish

  4. I believe it is Portuguese, but definitely a latin language. I used an online translator called babel fish. Here is the website (it's free)

    If it is Portuguese, Hey Pablo... go in reverse. I hope this helps.

  5. It's a mordor language i think :)

  6. It looks like spanish.

    I'm a french speaker D<

  7. Spanish.

    Hola Pablo,eres guay (?)

    Hi Pablo, you are so cool.

  8. "Guay" : 'Spanish term to describe that something is cool.'

  9. Spanish

    "Yo, Pablo..." sumpin sumpin sumpin

  10. Its definitley Spanish! It cant be french, arabic, english, german, or whatever. So im guessing its probably spanish!!!!!!!! LOL

  11. Hello Pablo you're cool.

    its spanish.

    will you help me.;...

  12. hes saying ur g*y u a$$hole in spanish trust me im mexican

  13. I'm sorry I don't have the answer you're expecting, but I have to say that the whole sentence is NOT in Spanish.

    The only words that seem to be in Spanish -besides the name "Pablo"- are:

    1. "Holla", which looks like "Hola" ("Hello").

    2. "Guay", another way to say "Ay" ("Oh", "Ouch") an interjection that's commonly used to show you're feeling pain or to describe something that looks nice ("cool").

  14. Spanish :)

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