
What level in skiing am i?

by  |  earlier

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i have skiied five times, and i am able to go on some intermediate hills. i was able to do parallel turns the last time i skiied but i didnt learn the hockey stop yet.




  1. 1-10.. I think you would be about a 5. I think a hockey stop is a key skill to learn. Once learning that, your level will increase !!

  2. It is up to you, beginning intermediate, or intermediate. The hockey stop is not what you should use to judge your ability. One of the ski magazines published a 1-9 scale several years ago, 1 never skied before, 9 expert who can ski anything in a parallel position at all times, and then allowed a certain amount of lattitude in the other levels.

       Your skill is probably 4-6  range, but it will vary with the hill.

    Learn the 4 major skills, and practice them to high proficiency, add timing to be really good.

      Take lessons from a professional instructor, then "practice, practice, practice".  Even on a flat section of a hill that may seem boring, you can improve the skills you need.

  3. terrible

    thats all i have to say about that

  4. I'd guess an advanced beginner. On the 1-9 scale you are around a 3.  You have ALOT to learn still and to reach the top of that scale you have to be able to ski everything. Hockey stops are definitely a needed skill, it's the fastest way of stopping. I judge a bit harsher than most though, I don't spend much time on groomed runs and it disgusts me that some self-proclaimed experts can't ski in ungroomed snow or even a mogul field. Keep skiing, you'll always learn something new.  Always push yourself to try something more difficult when you are comfortable with what you are skiing. No one starts out skiing as an expert but keep going, you may be the next Seth Morrison.

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