
What lizard should i get ?

by Guest59002  |  earlier

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i have one leopard gecko well 2 becasue my brother has one but hes 5 so yeah and i have 2 crested geckos what other lizard should i get and tell me some stuff about them PLZ NO SNAKES




  1. i would recommend the bearded dragon, green iguana, and even a Savannah monitor. the bearded dragon lives in almost the same kind of environment and conditions as the leopard gecko and dont seem to get bigger then maybe 2 feet.

    the green iguana is Little more difficult but at the end is rewarding lol as a baby they might be shy and quick to whip there tails but with constant handling they will literally eat out of ur hand. and will only get friendlier as they get bigger (6feet).

    the Savannah monitor is almost the same as the iguana only they eat meat and dont get as big.

  2. i have always chameleon!

    they are great at camouflaging!

  3. get a bearded dragon like da first guy said

  4. Get a leopard gecko.

  5. go to a pet store and read about the different kinds

  6. Well I have a bearded dragon and he is awesome. I would highly recommend a beardie. He was my first reptile. I got him as a baby at a reptile show. They eat crickets, meal worms, wax worms, silk worms, and also they need greens everyday. He loves to come out of his tank and sit on my shoulder. He's pretty great!

    Good luck! :)

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