
What makes drummers anticipate their timing ?

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What makes drummers anticipate their timing ?




  1. Wow...nobody answered you correctly..

    Drummers anticipate because they get carried away with the groove. if the bass player is really really tight, it is up to him to keep the drummer in check.

    Usually, when the drummer anticipates, everybody follows him but , if the bass player emphasizes the speed, the drummer will not anticipate or rush as we call it.

  2. having a sort of inner metronome in their head. after spending hours with a metronome and practicing with one regularly, or practicing with a radio or mp3 player, you develop a sense of time.

  3. you know, its a feeling after you have practiced for song long with one.

    for that, in my opinion, you just cant be a trained drummer, you have to be a natural. you dont have to be tony royster jr, but that's my opinion.

    a rhythm that will really test your "inner metronome" is the latin rythm songo. not only playing the beat, but getting intricate fills into it is the challege

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