
What makes someone clingy?

by Guest34156  |  earlier

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I don't think I've ever met anyone who is clingy? What are the characteristics? What type of person is the clingy type? Can someone clue me in on this one?




  1. One or more of these reasons:

    - insecure person

    - never had anyone(bf/gf/whatever) before

    - few friends

    - just likes you a lot

    - believes this is the only way you will know how he feels

    - wants your attention

    - don't want you to stop paying attention to him

    and so on...

  2. personal insecurities - hard to see though until you're in the middle of it.

    It's hard to characterize what 'type' of person could be clingy though.  They could be just about anyone.  Some people hide it pretty well.  Once they feel a connection with you or feel close to you, you'll notice them wanting your attention more and more.

  3. Someone who's clingy is usually all over the other person.  It's an insecurity thing in my opinion, someone who doesn't wanna be alone, can't stand to be alone, and wants some security.  Wants validation from the other person maybe.  

  4. The clingy ones always want to be with you -- they always want to touch you -- they always want to know who you're talking to on the phone -- they always want to be in the middle of every conversation you want to have -- they never let you go out alone (without lots of griping...).  Trust me, you'd know one when you see them.  And when you do, just RUN in the other direction !!

  5. I feel it is someone who has to "attach" themselves onto you... if they call a lot.. or, call many times before you call them back.. they are someone that requires your attention and doesn't seem to have a life for themselves... someone that doesn't seem to be confident with themself..  

  6. ok wat makes a person clingy is a boyfriend or girlfriend always being arround each other or on the phone constintly and it all depend on the person some people are naturly clingly and some arent and i should know all about the clingy ness because my ex gf made me clingy to her then she dumped me so be careful

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