
What makes someone "classy"?

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I heard someone use the word and I've been thinking about it lately. What does it mean in your mind?




  1. Of the first class........clean, polite, kind, not fussy, easy-going, knowledgeable, well-dressed, and talented without being boastful.

  2. One word:  Respect.

  3. Do you know why everyone has sputtered and stalled with answering your question?  Because "classy" has all but become extinct.  You certainly won't be finding it in the English speaking world, now will you?

    As Marianne Moore, wrote (paraphrased)...."(classy) people don't need to be told where the glass flowers are at Harvard."

  4. Hmm...

    Never thought about it.

    Maybe if you watch classics.

    Or if you act like classic.

    Or if you go to a class.

  5. Someone that has respect for themselves and others,

  6. Sophistication.

  7. it depends now a days "classy is style and s**y and hot" but if classy is really abou tthe upperclass with the super great ettiquete balancing book son ur head stuff and sophistacated and stuff liek that u kno thats class a well manner stuck up with a big stick up thier bum hole ^-^

  8. in my mind when someone is described as classy it means the person is sophisticated and appropriate. i also looked up the definition and here is what i got: elegant, highly stylish or fashionable; elegant, stylish, chic, fashionable, tasteful, refined, exclusive, sophisticated, upmarket.

    hope this helps.

  9. Class.

  10. ....One who takes life as it is.  Always tries to make lemonade out of the lemons life tosses.  Classless people are ones who obsess over every little thing and try to be something they are not.

  11. Anything not American in word thought or deed, even those who live in the New Guinea jungle have class in comparison

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