
What makes us human?

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coming from the viewpoint of an anthropologist, psychologist or sociologist, and their studies, what do you think seperates us as a species.

This is needed for an exam i am writing tomorrow, please help




  1. awareness of our mortality and everything that implies.

  2. Spine is verical

  3. I would say that we are self aware of all the acts we may partake.. To be able to feel more than one emotion and express those feelings.. The fact that we have our own sense of judgment of whats right and wrong ( a conscience if you will ) the simple fact our mind constantly wonders and is open to a wide variety of ideas and not just accepting the one truth..

  4. Bipedal - We walk do with how our head sits on our necks...

    Opposible Thumbs....

  5. Complex brain that enable us to think with more complicated thought processes.

    This allows us to think beyond survival, like finding food and shelter, and ponder on questions like to improve our life (easier to find food => make sharp weapons and domesticate animals for food) and other questions about life after death, whether god exists, how does life form evolves, what goes beyond the earth etc.

    Complex thought processes made possible by brain cells enable us to think and create objects that could nvr be recreated by other animals, unless in the event that their brain becomes bigger and more complex for them to ponder the same questions that humans think.

  6. Self awareness but not just of our existence; an understanding that there is a watcher or a questioner within.

    C. :)

  7. Our conscience. Death Row criminals don't count--they lack one!

  8. Sef awareness of the exitence of God

  9. well its not "culture", because animals like chimps can pass on knowledge that is non-genetically based..

    id say its the ability for personal reflection, and perhaps awareness...

  10. Surprisingly Little. I can't think of anything humans do that isn't seen in some part of the animal kingdom. Some monkeys and chimps have 'cultures', a learned way of preparing food or using tools. They fight small wars, have recreational s*x, use medicine, have language. Some collect pretty things to decorate their homes/nests (art). Some do malicious things, some help other individuals from altruism.

    Really, we only differ in degree, not in kind. I think the use of fire is the first real separating 'event', then 'symbolic thought', ie, understanding that 'this shape is the sound eee'. But even parrots can count, and understand simple abstract concepts like 'colour' and 'number'. So, we are just like all the others, only more complex.
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