
What makes you happy

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What makes you happy




  1. Donuts and peanut M&M's

  2. usually being surrounded by the right zone.. and just like.. whatever makes me happy.. girls getting angry more than anything.. but they hate that so it's almost not worth it.. like i can't take them seriously.. i do things just to make them mad.. they can never make a point.. then we never talk again.. but lots of fish in the sea.. but i think i'm starting to get a name.. on the net.. people talk to each other.. you know.. i don't do that whole thing

  3. A day at the beach at the end of September when no lifeguards are around, few people around.  Playing in the ocean heals all ailments for me.  And having a great meal while looking at the water when you're famished after swimming :)

  4. myself when i look at the mirror  

  5. The days when I'm not in pain

  6. being around people that i love and that love me back

  7. Eating pizza.  Every time!

  8. Glow sticks, Bright Colours, Charlie the Unicorn, Cheerleading...

    Your mom :D

  9. When soome ask me out!!!!

  10. Wow where do began???.......ok just a few random things lol

    my children, cheese cake, hanging out with my friends, my family, not money it's self but having money do do things that cost money, shopping,  driving, nice weather, having fun,going to the beach,and  lots of things =]

  11. Love. ♥

  12. Family and friends but mostly just plain old LOVE

  13. My children and my family.  Warm weather makes me happy too!

  14. my bf

  15. Sunshine!

  16. frank iero! =D

    and Spongebob..

  17. Living a life that is true to my authentic self. Doing what I love, using my gifts, and helping others in the process. Coming home to my family and having an ordinary dinner....because sometimes ordinary is SO extraordinary. Cuddling with my kitty. Reading a good book. Creating.  

  18. ü

  19. True happiness is acceptance.... of who you are and what you have become.... Life is precious....everything around us is amazing...what makes me happy?   Being ME....

  20. The fact that there are people who need my help amd people i can countt on

  21. Specifically, the stable socio-political climate, racial harmony and the reasonable safety and security level of the country. A roof over my head and having two or three ordinary meals daily. But in general, its simply the fact that I am capable of breathing right now and enjoying myself tremendously  on the Web... That's all, already fortunate and dont think I should ask for too much...!

  22. i'm happy when someone important to me is happy

  23. Knowing i've got loving family and friends.

  24. being worry-free.

    having fun with my friends


    funny stuff.

  25. My hands, a private room, and a p**n tape.It'll make you happy too.

  26. My bf.

  27. my closest friends, they mean very much to me.
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