
What methods do you use....?

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to establish a work ethic in your young horse?




  1. Fairness and consistencey in training technique, and finding ways to keep the work interesting for the horse.  Keeping a good attitude myself, specifically, seeing the work as "fun,"

    and conveying this to the horse.  Being careful not to drill him or her, as this makes for a sour, miserable creature.   I'm really careful to always end the training session on a good note.

  2. Make work pleasureable for him. Reward him often and talk to him in a soothing, loving way. If he does something good, tell him so and pet him and encourage him. When he does something wrong, be firm but gentle in correcting him. Never, EVER hit or yell at him. That'll make him associate work with pain and anger, and he'll be less willing to do whatever it was again. Maybe bring along carrots or apples or some other good treat that the horse likes, and reward him with them whenever he does good. Change up the work a little every time; the same thing again and again will make the horse bored and he'll be more likely to act up. Make sure you always end the work on something good. If the horse throws a fit and freaks, make him do it right before you stop. If you stop when he starts acting up, he'll learn that being bad gets him back to the barn.

  3. Routine, just like you would with your children, because that is what they are.  Secondly, it doesn't have to seem like work, and thirdly, your horse needs to not only understand what you want him to do, but know when he has accomplished it and get rewarded for it...I'm not talking about treats, I'm talking about a verbal and or physical reward in some way, accompanied with a break or downright, just quitting work and letting him out to play.

  4. horses tend to not want to work when it is a bad experience such as pain or boredom.i dont use spurs,crops,"mean" bits,and my saddle has a gullet change system for a perfect long as a good diet and exersize is in place things that cause pain such as spurs,crops and mean bits have no place.i also do lots of lateral work and transistions to keep my horse focusing on his work and this makes things intresting and fun for both horse and rider.

  5. How I establish work ethic in youngsters is to build their confidence. When I teach, either being basic things like standing all the way up to saddle process and first rides is I NEVER proceed with another training step without making sure the horse fully understands and is comfortable with the lesson or step we are currently in. I never rush a youngster and would rather spend extra time, whatever that chunk of time may be, making sure that they were fully confident before progressing. I believe confidence and trust is the basis of work ethic. Also always finishing on a positive note, even If I means going back and doing something that I know the horse will be successful at. Being consistent and quiet and using repetitive proven techniques builds a willing lifetime partner.

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