
What missions are USAF pilots given?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know only names of them




  1. has the names of many common, ongoing mission-types.  But they aren't all-inclusive and they aren't all up-to-date.

    You will not get that information directly, yourself, not more than a little piece at a time, if you're lucky.  Opsec.  Someone, gives you that information, and they could be disciplined.  It isn't like OMG YOU NEED TO BE KILLED NOW, but it is bad practice...little pieces of information can reveal big pieces.

  2. 1) Air Superiority and Air Defence

    2) CAP Missions (Air Patrols)

    3) Photo Reconnaisance

    4) Interdiction

    5) Ground Support

    6) Rescue Missions

    7) Anti-submarine Warfare/Maritime Patrol

    8) Carrier borne operations (including all above)

    9) Aerobatics displays

    Plus - plus - plus

  3. In peacetime the pilots may fly weather recon. Checking out wind data in hurricanes and direction of storms approaching the US area. other jobs may be intelligence gathering or simply watching the Sky's for un-authorized aircraft or invaders. For rescue at sea they may be asked to search parameters for survivors of mishaps. They may be called upon to entertain the citizens with demonstrations of might on patriotic holidays.

  4. secret ones

  5. Ok,  the names change but IIRC:

    Offensive Counter Air (destroying enemy air forces on the ground/air)

    Suppression/Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD/DEAD) One can argue this is a subset of OCA

    Defensive Counter Air (destroying attacking enemy air forces)

    Battlefield Air Interdiction (destroying enemy ground infrastructure behind the Forward Edge of the Battle Area)

    Close Air Support

    Tactical Airlift/resupply

    Theater Airlift

    Strategic Airlift

    Strategic Strike  (nuking folks essentially)

    Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)

    Aerial Refueling

    Combat Search and Rescue


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