
What more can I possibly do?

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so we had our captain was capt. for 4 yrs and well she was a senior this year and we dont let seniors play jo's. not gonna lie I really wanted to be captain, but we have a rotating captain instead. I play in every league there is I never miss open gym and I go to weight room all winter and summer long. (softball in spring). I never even miss practice... so i guess im asking why am I not capt?




  1. captains are chosen based on attitude and effort. if you feel that you are strongest in these areas talk to your coach and ask what they feel you need to do to become a captain.

  2. volleyballcoachz makes a solid point, along with the rest.

    There may be others just as deserving as you. being a team captain is a leadership and it does take more than hustle and dedication. You can start by stepping up both on and off the court. Help your team mates, be supportive and motivate them too. Ask your coach why he/she chose to go with a rotation method? Ask what it would take for YOU to become captain, stating that you feel that you are up to the task.

  3. Well, I see the dedication, but to be a captain, you have to be a LEADER.  The captain of the team is the one that gets the team fired up, keeps the team going through the tough times, and sacrifices for the good of the team.  They represent the team on the court, and helps represent fellow teammates with the coach if it is needed.  

    If you were not chosen, it is safe to say that someone felt that you were not captain material.  Take the year to show that you are a leader, and can be a captain.

  4. It's very possible that are too many people deserving of it and instead of hurting others by picking one, your coach is doing the captain by committee thing.

    The way you worded the question has me confused though. Is this for JO USAV or for high school for next year?

    For club, I have two captains per tournament until the final few tournaments, then I pick the 2 girl's that best played the captain role when they were in it. Those are the captains for the final few tournaments.

    Don't take offense by it either, the only way to find out why you aren't is by asking your coach.

    EDIT: Thanks for amending your question. I'll give you some background on why I don't want my best senior next year to be captain and see if it resembles your situation:

    I had a junior this past year, "Paul." He was our best OH and was (along with one of my seniors) pretty much leaps and bounds above the rest of varsity. However, he knew it and would be very condescending towards younger players. I spoke to him several times about it and told him that I would not make him a captain as a senior if he didn't start fixing his attitude.

    He tweaked it a little, but I kept on him about letting his play speak for him and supporting his teammates instead of putting them down to make himself feel better. He never quite got the hang of it.

    I'm afraid to let him be captain because I was approached by several players that complained about him last year. I just don't want the issue this coming year.

    Is it possible that you feel "better" than everyone else because you've played varsity since you were a freshman? If you even think you are to the slightest degree, you might be showing it in your attitude and body language (e.g. Rolling your eyes on others mistakes.) This might be the reason the coach is reluctant to make you captain.

    Stick with it. Be supportive of your teammates, lead them without being captain and your coach might change his/her mind in mid season. It's early yet, don't worry about it. Only worry about what you can control.

  5. It depends. If you are a freshman trying to be a captain that probably wont work out too well. But if you are a senior trying to get the spot than that is something different. If this is a big deal for you than i suggest that you talk to you coach about it and see why.

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