
What more need the public do?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so food and other sorts of donations were handed to those victims of xenophobic attacks but here are some facts some didnt mention:

1. Our company had us all donate stuff, when our driver went to hand them, so much was left behind since most were very picky and finicky wih what they got.

2. In some areas, the poor of this country have been going around these camps eating left overs as most of those who suffered from the attacks have been said to be tired of the same meal ever day... to which doctors explained that nothing was wrong with that as long as it provided you with the right stuff for your body.

3. Some have begun putting up permanent structures in the camps they've been temporarily put up in eg. clothes lines etc

4. More in a short period went into most of those temp camps than to most South African orphanages, homes for the old, needy and homeless.

What is South Africa trying to say? That its more important to redeem ourselves for the mistakes of others by bending




  1. So, as much as the government pretends that it does not care what the wide world thinks of them, this is exactly what they are doing! Pretending to care because the world is looking on.

  2. Perhaps the media coverage and the abundance of donations received by the people in these camps has given them a sense of entitlement and the perceived luxury to be picky. It is unfortunate because that can’t go on forever the donations will run out and then they will be left with nothing and wishing they hadn’t been so picky. They can’t live on charity forever.

    I think that our government should also stop pandering to these people. It is getting beyond ridiculous that we are caving into their demands why should we re-integrate ILLEGAL people into our towns? I think that it is wrong for our government to be bullied into taking care of these people they keep on going and on about their rights but surely since they are disrespecting our immigration laws they should have no rights. If they are unhappy and ungrateful about their living arrangements they should go home.  Putting them in empty schools and community halls is asking for trouble. I mean how are you going to evict them all? And are they going to respect the properties? And as you rightly pointed out Inno what about our fellow South Africans who need help, who need food and shelter?

    It is really wrong that they received more than out local charities but I don’t think you should blame the ordinary people who donated I think that if given the chance they would donate to locals but without media coverage many people don’t know about the small local charities.  The media should give local charitable organisations more coverage so that people are aware of them (and not just at Christmas). It is astonishing what a small article can do to boost charitable donations. I think South Africans who are able to do want to help those in need.

  3. It tells me that our government cares more about foreigners than they do about their own people. It's more important to send out a positive picture on the xenophobia to the world as they are trying to save the World Cup. As far as the ingratitude goes. What do you expect? I've been saying since this started that for some reason the foreigners have this idea that they have rights in this country. They weren't happy that they had a safe place to stay. They felt compelled to complain about absolutely everything, and that while they were staying in better conditions than a lot of poor South Africans. If it was really going so bad in their own countries, why were they all in such a hurry to run home when the attacks broke out?

  4. South Africans should collect old parachutes. Strap it to the backs of these people, load them into airplanes and drop them over central Africa without even landing.

    Come to think of it, old umbrellas should do the trick as well.

  5. Ja, makes one angry, hey Inno!

    Oh ja, it's "beggar" and "backwards"

    Good on ya though, Inno!

  6. Lol Honey you know the saying beggars can't be choosers,but I think this is really out of this world...if  I were ever in such a sitution I'll be more than greatfull to except any thing that comes my way...And yes you are right the SA Goverment does not do any thing for their own citzens.....And yeah the World is watching cause of the World Cup.xxxx

  7. It sounds just like the story in the Bible about the Israelites who were tired of Manna and started grumbling.

    Its a very sad state indeed.

    Unfortunately I missed the opertunity to donate for the xeno victims, but have been involved in donations at a local church. They are taking stuff down to the western cape where life is very hard for families.

    Also I always donate unwanted goods to hospice who provide free care/drugs for cancer and aids patients, they provided my gran with free morphine for the last month of her life, as well as care.

    I think we just have to be more giving. As the finances of SA get more chaotic (petrol/food increases) we - who can afford it- need to be giving all our excesses away to those who are needy

  8. what.....are you telling me the illegal aliens are demanding Pampers? As if they would get it in their own countries.....Ag Innocentia that is why I say, it is too nice for them in those camps, it should be so unbearable that they all want to go from where they come from. I am furious now, our own people have to eat the scraps of these foreigners!!

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