
What motivated the Bigfoot hoaxer's?

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So, after all the facts. Is it possible that these guys really cleaned up with the web sites and DVDs and marketing junk before the inevitable conclusion that they had a rubber suit on ice? They didn't seem THAT nuts. Seems you'd make sure your $$ pocket is stuffed after becoming the poster child for HOAX.. I mean with family and life to take care of, what are these guys thinking? Unless there WAS a huge payoff early on!?!?

Any opinions?




  1. these guys have been small time hoaxes for quite some time. Primarily Biscardi has always been the master mind: an excerpt from a Para normal investigator who thinks he got what he deserves!

    Tom Biscardi & Snake Oil

    I read with interest the Fox News flash on Tom Biscardi and the rubber suit, formerly known as Bigfoot.  I remember distinctly last year when Tom and friends were going to capture the illusive creature in Oklahoma because, as he put it, “I am the only person with the experience, expertise and equipment to do it right and I am coming home with Bigfoot.”  He was also charging an obscene amount of money for the privilege of accompanying him on the quest.  At that same moment, ASUP was down river of Biscardi’s site in search of the same creature.  It struck me as amusing that people would actually pay money to get bitten to death by bugs, face off against feral pigs and trudge through the woods in high temperatures to see him become famous.  More ironic is that my team got to do all of that for nothing but our sweat.  A week after his grand expedition, I wrote to Mr. Biscardi, asking where was his Bigfoot. What happened on his grand hunt? Two months later I got a note to check out some amateur video by one of the high stakes guests that showed Tom’s “specialized equipment” along with a note that said all they came back with was sore feet and chiggers.

    Then, a few weeks ago came the enlightened news that Tom Biscardi finally found his Bigfoot, in Georgia.  I sent an e-mail to long time colleague Loren Coleman, asking what he thought, he later notified me that on the day of the announcement someone hacked into his two web sites, presumably so he could not issue a mass response, namely that he had a catalogue number for a rubber mask identical to the face of the Biscardi’s creature.  Imagine that!

    Now some folks are saying that it is Biscardi who was ripped off by the good ol’ boys in Georgia. Maybe Tom should take the time to look at the ASUP policy and procedure manual on these topics… or just use some common sense. But more likely Tom likes to see himself on TV and planned this entire episode, in hopes of later airtime!

    A message to Tom Biscardi:  You are an embarrassment to the study of all unexplained phenomenon. You have taken on the persona of a snake oil salesman and the critics only think about people like you when they think at all about paranormal investigators.  I am embarrassed for you, but more important; I think you owe all of us an abject apology.  Better yet, Tom, why don’t you just take that final long walk into the sunset, maybe you will find Bigfoot there, but at least we won’t have to deal with your bravado again.


  2. They got paid BEFORE they handed the body over, or the rubber siut anyway. They made sure that they would et paid before they found out it was a hoax. And although the amount was undisclosed, I'm guessing that means it was a lot or they woudn't want to disclose it so it doesn't encourage others to do the same thing.

  3. if there was skeletons why not?

  4. The only payoff for those losers was their fifteen seconds of fame.

  5. Could have been a publicity stunt for a movie or book or commercials.  And just backfired.

  6. The initial payoff was $50,000.  Of course this does not include the money they made from the website.  However, they are currently being investigated for Fraud, by the state of Georgia, and local georgia law enforcement office.  They are now pointing the finger at Tom Boscadi (sp?) as the one who talked them in to going National, to help promote a movie he is trying to produce, of course Ol Tom is pointing the finger at them saying he wasn't able to really see the item was a costume, cause it was frozen, the private individual who put up the initial $50K is now looking to sue all of them, cause it was suppose to be an investment.  So, to answer your basic question, money and fame, money and fame, no matter who it screwed!!

  7. Yes,I believe, you are,such as, more likely than, not the american people were,such as, and I feel, that and such you are right...100% correct. That is my belief as such and so on....then...ok now...thank you...

  8. cash and publicity

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