
What movie to watch ? ?

by  |  earlier

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maybe the most pointless question on here but im bored and really am not sure

old school

fast times at ridgemount high

or grandma's boy ?

ive seen old school already but could watch it over and over again so funny lol and was really wondering are the other movies worth watching.

ps : i will be stoned watching one of these




  1. Norbit.

  2. the Breakfast Club

  3. none of those.

  4. watch what you like, just whatever you do do not invite deep_purple over for a spliff

  5. grandma's boy

  6. I heard Grandma's Boy was funny, and there were people stoned in it. >___>

  7. i will not answer that question but i will ask - why in the world are you gonna be stoned? you know that smoking like that kills your brain cells and you can never retain them.

    " Marijuana side effects can be as seemingly innocent as an increased appetite to as life threatening as lung cancer. Increased likelihood for accidents is also one of the marijuana side effects. Studies show that 6 to 11 percent of fatal accidents are contributed to by marijuana side effects. Other external marijuana side effects include legal problems, work and financial problems and troubles at home."

    "Marijuana side effects also wreak havoc on the brain when the drug is used habitually. The natural chemical balance of the brain is disrupted affecting the pleasure centers and regulatory systems. The ability to learn, remember and adapt quickly to changes is impaired by marijuana use. Depression often occurs with marijuana usage, which feeds into the cycle of more drug use to treat the pain created by drug use. This cycle of addiction is very powerful and users soon find that they cannot stop using the drug even if they want to.

    Marijuana addiction is a progressive disease and marijuana side effects include withdrawal and obsessive thought with the drug when it is not made available. Addiction is identified as a compulsive, uncontrollable craving for the drug even with pending negative consequences. Often users will attempt to stop smoking marijuana for an important event such as a job interview or court hearing and find themselves using very close or just before the event. This act goes beyond a flexing of willpower. This describes being enveloped by a disease that has taken control and needs to be treated."

  8. Accepted is qood,grandma's boy is funny when you're high..

  9. charlie says

    rise of the footsoldier

  10. blue crush :D!

  11. grandmas boy is hillarious

    fast times at ridgemont high is a lot like ferris buellers day if you like that kinda thing go for it

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