
What name do you like better ?

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Bella Angelique or Mila Angelique ? I'm jwondering what I should name my future daughter. If I ever have one when i'm in in my 20's.




  1. hmmm i like  mila angelique better. i've never heard it before....  

  2. I would differ, I like Mila sounds mysterious. In Hindi, it means"got it"

  3. both are pretty names....well, you have to toss a coin.....

  4. Is Mila pronounced like "MEE-la" or "MY-la"? Personally, Milo is my favorite boys' name at this point in my life, so I'm leaning toward Mila for that reason and because it's more contemporary sounding than Bella. But have you considered that since both Bella and Mila end in "a" it might cause a bit of a pronunciation problem when you group the names together with Angelique? However, I wouldn't worry about future baby names too much right now because you're probably going to have a husband to work out names with anyway (or if you're already married). And of course, you may decide at that point that you like a different set of names or learn that you're having a son instead of a daughter. :)

  5. Bella Angelique sounds more graceful in my opinon, flows beautifully and sounds gorgeous. Love the way it looks. I definitely think you should go with this one for your future daughter :) Hopefully you won't change your mind along the way!

  6. Bella is better

  7. Bella sounds so cute!

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