
What philosophical view is this?

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I dont believe in our reality. I think sensory perception is not reliable because its different with every individual and is dependent on location, lighting and how close your viewing the object. I think we live in a false reality. Ignorance, which has been pulled over our eyes. Like the Plato Allegory, I believe we are prisoners of a false reality incomprehensible in this moment of time.

What's the name of this view again..I want to be able to express my belief through one term.




  1. I'm afraid you may have to invent a one word term to suit your needs. You're certainly entitled to. You have the right. Your philosophy seems to include elements of quantum physics, quantum mechanics, Buddhism, the "Matrix" and others. I'm interrested in learning what you come up with. Seriously.

  2. Take your pick:





    in Buddhism you believe you can escape unreality.

    in Existentialism you can't even assert the uncertainties you are so sure of

    in Sophism, all that matters is what you can get others to believe

    in Nihilism, the only thing that is real is your will to power.

    Since these 4 ideas are more than half of all philosophy, I'd say your philosophy is vague follow-the-crowd-ism.

    Now if I can convince you of that, it will be so, guess what I am?

  3. "Idealism" is the word that you are looking for.

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