
What problems did the soildures have?

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what problems did the soildures have with food, rats, lice, disease and from not showering (sanitation problems) in the trenches?




  1. Starting with sanitation, which lack thereof brings all sorts of disease into play.During the early part of the Civil War germs ran rampant as soldiers didn't know how to keep themselves and their camps clean.Enter the sanitary commission, that was able to direct the soldiers into cutting slit trenches, trying to keep their food clean, and keeping the camp clean. Unfortunately their only source of bathing was an occasional trip to the river, and only in warmish weather. Front line troops in most wars do not stay clean, so enter the little varmints that kept them all scratching.. A lot more soldiers in early wars died of disease then actual combat, so this was the real enemy

  2. shortage of food, because it probably wouldnt last a long time, it would turn rotten. rats live and travel underground so the farther they dug the trenches, they might run into them, which the rats carried lice and the soldiers interacted with eachother 24/7 so they spread disease and lice like this. well if they didnt shower, lice would find a place to live. and like using the bathroom, they couldnt go somewhere and use the toilet, they had to probably dig holes and bury it but then it would become airborne and get in the air they breathed, sickening them.

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