
What produces lasts longest?

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I will be moving into an apartment and it will just be myself and my girlfriend, what produces lasts the longest before rotting?




  1. I have found that the hydroponic lettuce that I buy lasts the longest of anything that I have every bought.  Since it is still 'living' even after you buy it and get it home - it just seems to last for a LONG time.  Just make sure that there is a small amount of water in the bottom where the roots are.

    Kale also lasts a long time - in my opinion (about a week).

    If you can and have the ability to do so, it is best to just buy what you need as you need.  The longer that they are cut, out of the ground, away from where they grow - they start to lose valuable nutrients.  Just saw one report on the educational channel where they were talking about this and how it actually might be better to buy frozen as they are frozen at their peek of freshness and more likely to have more nutrients than most of the fresh that you see in most stores.

    Personally - I buy mostly fresh.  Second I buy frozen.  Last I buy canned.

  2. I've noticed that broccoli, carrots, pears, and apples last a long time in the fridge.

  3. Apples last a while in the fridge...especially red delicious. I would notrecommendd broccolibecausee it gets soft really fast. Celery last a while and so do carrots. You can restore their crunch by soaking them in cold water for a few minutes.  

  4. Anything tinned I would recommend. Vaccum packed fish lasts a while, frozen food aswell.

    Hope I helped. :-)

  5. Onions and potatoes can last a month in the fridge at least.

    Most vegetables last about a week or so.

    Generally, canned and frozen vegetables cost a lot more than fresh; why not just make a weekly trip to the market to buy your veggies, and stock up on staples like rice, pasta, dry beans, etc. when they're on sale?

  6. You should always plan on using up fresh fruit and veggies within the week. Some will last much longer then that, but they start loosing their nutrient value. You and your girlfriend should sit down each week and plan out what you want to eat for the week ahead and then make a shopping list.  

  7. dried fruit lasts forever.  Plus a botle of jack daniels and you and your girlfriend will be doing great for a while!

  8. From my own experience i would have to say carrots and potatoes. they seem to last forever.  

  9. frozen ones :]

    anything that is stored the right way can make ur food last longer :]

  10. Think of your grandparents/great-grandparents root cellars.  These were built to house produce through the winter months for them without refrigeration.  Potatoes, onions, carrots, winter squash, apples, even tomatoes left on the vine and hung all have the ability to stay fresh longer.  In the refrigerator, with proper wrapping I have been able to easily store celery, romaine lettuce and summer squash, to name a few, for two weeks with them remaining fresh.

    Contrary to what one said, I believe it wise for everyone to have at least 1-2 weeks food on hand at the minimum.  You never know what life might present to you and it is always better to be prepared before you need it.  However, you must remember to rotate that food in order for it to stay as fresh as possible.  "Store what you eat, but eat what you store."

  11. Root vegetables and vegetables that can be cured, like onions and winter squash, will last the longest

  12. why make things last longer?

    eat everything fresh and eat often.

    I never have food in my house.

    and I always eat it WAY before it rots.

    just make sure to buy what you need for now.

    don't go shopping for the month, just a week.

    maybe less.

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