I have a space where I have 98" tops widthwise, and 100 height wise, so I was wondering what screen I should get to go with my projecter? I found this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Description=projection+screen
(scroll down to the $119 one that is 96" by 96", also I realize that all of the people in the reviews said they had to send it back because of poor shipping, but that's fine with me if I have to send it back once to get a good deal)
I plan on using my screen in 16:9 format, but because this is large both ways it seemed a much better deal than buying a very expensive 16:9 screen.
So my question is: is this screen a good buy? will it give me an image as good as other screens, or is it made of cheap material or has some other flaw, and if so, what screen would you reccomend?