
What qualifies as a rolling stop?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my mom are having an argument over how I stop. Right before I come to a complete stop I ease my foot of the break to avoid rocking back. I am not moving but I am not completely motionless. Would this count as a rolling stop and would any cop write you up for it?




  1. I got this from one of the guys I work with, "If I were hitting you with this flashlight would you want me to stop or slow down?", it normally gets the point across that there is a difference.

    I, like others, am curious how exactly are you "not moving" and "not completely motionless" at the same time?

    Oh and yes I do pull people over for disregarding traffic control devices.  I presume that you would argue the point with me too and thus I would be asking you to be sure to press hard as you'd be making five copies.

  2. sounds like a rolling stop to me.  for a cop you have to come to a complete stop.  explained to me as stopping, count to ten and all four wheels should have stopped by then.  then check for traffic before letting off the brake.

  3. Well here what I call a california stop is when you come up to a stop light or stop sign and barely stop and then start moving...and yep you can get a ticket for not stopping

  4. completely stopped is completed.

    Hold the brake firmly until you stop and then wait at least 5 seconds before lifting up the brake.  Otherwise be prepared for lots of tickets.

  5. look up the definetion of motion & tell me if it says anything about stoped  

  6. "I am not moving but I am not completely motionless."

    That made absolutely no sense. You're either moving, or not.

  7. You must come to a complete and full stop and count to three you are going to get an expensive ticket if you are not careful

  8. "I am not moving but I am not completely motionless."

    You're either moving or you are not.  

  9. stopping means STOP for at least 2 seconds - behind stopline if there is one, behind sidewaalk if there is one, otherwise 10 feet BEFORE the sign regardless of being able to see traffic, then slowly approach to the point of being able to check traffic.

  10. Law is you come to a complete stop before a stop not roll ,creep, or crawl into it. If you do, and a cop catches you, its a moving violation.

  11. Yes. Cops will write you up for it.  If you fail to come to a complete stop before the line or traffic signal, you did not stop, legally.  

    A "rolling stop" is an oxymoron.  Stop means stop, not "go real slow".

    If I were your mother I'd stop arguing with you and just let the cop eventually write you a ticket.  Any increased costs in insurance are your to bear.

    Don't laugh too hard.  I bet you have no idea how much money tickets can cost you on your insurance.  Easily add $1000 a year to it.  Who'll be laughing then?

    Arrogant teenagers... my God... I'm glad mine isn't the only one who thinks he knows everything.

  12. think about it, to stop is to stop completely and rock back,  your mom is right and you will get a ticket for just rolling thru a stop sign

  13. cops wont write u up for it,but it's seen as a danger because u might end up hitting somethinh in front of u.also u will fail your drivers test if u do it because u may not "roll".

  14. Rolling stop is generally a bogus call.  The police use it to pull over people to harass, investigate, fish, whatever.  You could stop the car, turn off the engine, disassemble the vehicle, rebuild it, and restart it and they would still pull you over.

  15. yeah most defiantly you have to come to a complete stop . look both ways and look left again i got a ticket for the same thing its crazy but its the law  

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