
What race am I from?

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My family tree dates back all the way to 570 CE. My forefathers were Arabs who migrated to Central Asia (present day Turkmenistan). Around the 16th century, my Turkmen forefathers arrived with the Mughal armies and settled in Northern India. For the next 350 years they intermarried, until my father married outside of the "clan": my mother is of Arab lineage.

What race am I? Arab? Central Asian? Indian?




  1. That's pretty amazing to be able to trace your lineage that far back.  I would say you are Arab.  You would probably technically be Indian seeing as though you're family has been in India for so long.  But considering the family/racially oriented breeding, I would say you technically fall into the Arab category.

    But in all honesty, we all are of mixed decent.  Europeans are a mixture of many races as well, including Romans.

  2. I would say if you have to check a box on an application, then check "Asian." You're not any one thing. You can't technically be categorized. You can just generalize as "Asian". My background is the same way--Vikings who went to Ireland and intermarried with Celts who emmigrated to the US and one of whom intermarried with the son of a former African slave. The son of the former slave was my great grandfather, who raised my mother. He died when I was 11. So, what am I? My point is that many of us are more complicated than we might look to others. When I have to check a box on a form, I check "White," but in actuality, that doesn't quite describe me.

  3. Wow! I admire your persistence to trace your family tree! Your records must be intact. Impeccable! However, my answer to your question is, hold your breath- NONE of the above.  You must be considered as multi-racial, or of mixed ancestry, because any of the three (3) races cannot be applied to you to a T. But don't worry, because in our mobile world today, pure races are almost impossible to point out, except maybe the tribesmen of the Amazons or of some other remote tribes in the mountains that shun  contacts with the outside world. Consider Singapore or Manila or New York, for example. They are virtual, meaning actual,  melting pots of different races.  Cheers !

  4. I would guess mostly Caucasion (Arab and Turkmen).  They are an Asian race also as obviously the Caucasus is in Asia.  That is one reason why using continents to describe races doesn't make any sense.  Sounds like you have some oriental (East Asian) blood as well.

  5. wow that is amazing that you were able to trace your  ancestry,but to answer your ?? i would that ur a mixed culture but damm i wish i can trace my ancestors back to my slave days i mean like what part of africa were we from and also back to my Aztec people maybe my grate grand pops was a king or a great aztec now that would be bad ***,but yea ur mixed just everybody else.peace and respect.

  6. i think you'll all 3 Arab Central Asian Indian

  7. Neither.

    You are!

    You, therefore, are unequivocally a member of the...Human Race.

    Process of elimination:

    there is only one race of humans currently existing on the planet. You are a proud member.


  8. Take the cue from this. I am a Human Being, I am British, I was born in Scotland in the city of Glasgow. We always take our Nationality from the country of our birth, so that makes me a Scotsman by nationality, but I am British due to the historical union of the crowns. You only make things more fuzzy when you try to create a race for yourself. We are as Lily, the person up front has already stated, one race.


  9. I guess you're Mixed.

    You're a mix of all 3 races I guess.

  10. Amazing lineage—I know that my sister traced our family to Arabs living in Palestein yet we are Spanish so I’m in a similar racial identity quandary.

    Probably a mixture of all the above is what you are.

    I like to think of it this way, we are all hybrids of all diverse races and part of them while not being exclusively any one of them alone.

    That’s not a bad thing in my view.

  11. We're all just part of the "human" race.

    Sounds lame but true.

  12. There's no such thing as race.

    There is no way to divide the human race up into groups that makes any sense whatsoever.

    Your ethnicity is a mixture of Arab, Turkman, and Indian.

    Your race is "human."
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