
What rat breed lives the longest?

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I'm doing research on rats before I get one and I was wondering which rat lives the longest? Fancy rats?(I heard they live to five years but I'm not to sure about that) Dumbo rats? Or any other kind of rats you know about. It's a big help.


P.S. Sites with info on rats will be loved X3




  1. I have had many rats and the breed that i have had which has lasted is a female dumbo..she is just over 3 1/2 years she is a brilliant and very friendly and social rat wanting to curl up next to you..she even got out of her cage and jumped on my bed and on my legs to let me know  that I'd left the door to her cage open !!! lol...i think that dumbos are a bit more laid back..but all rats I've had have had problems ranging from being having stitches then a collar on, or lumps removed to infections and mites..i just wish they lived longer :D Rats are so misrepresented and i think they make the best small pet for anyone..i would also advise on getting two as they like their own company :D Enjoy your ratty :D this site is very good for you :D

    which b*****d gave me a thumbs down and why ???!!!!

  2. i have three rats and used to have 5 they are 2 dumbos' and 1 fancey the fancey is 4 and 1/2 (i know its really old!) amd the others are 2 and 1/2 but they are all gorgous allthogh i have a feeling its th fancey rat that lives the longest (rats from petstores and rescue centres are BOTH fine mine have been a mxture of the 2) buy them young give them lots of love and attention and toys and but 2 if any they get really lonley (they are easy to train aswell) good luck :D

  3. All rats are of the same breed. They just have different color variations and looks, but they're still all the same. They generally live 2-5 years. 2 being more common, 5 being a very healthy rat.

  4. actually, different kinds of rats are not classified as breeds but as "varieties." it does not matter weither a rat is dumbo, rex, hairless, or tailess,(etc) but it depends more on their genetics and the care that they recieve. a rat comming from a gene pool with rats that have had respitory problems (which is pretty common in rats) will increase their chances of having a shorter lifespan.

    also, poor care that includes a poor diet, making your rat overweight or underweight, not giving them a good enviornment in which to live, or giving them things that are dangerous for them (among other things that may basically make their existence a miserable one), will also shorten their lifespan.

    what i would recommend is to buy your pair of rats (seeing as rats are social and become quite lonely without someone that they can communicate with) that are young so that they are easier to tame and adjust to you and their new home. pet stores are more risky to buy from bc you have no way of knowing if their family history is healthy or not, so i'd look for local breeders first if there are any. also, i think its a very good idea that you're researching rats before buying them bc it'll teach you more about them and you get to see if you even want them in the first place^_^ so here are a few websites that you might be interested in is a very interesting website with TONS of really good toys that you can make yourself. this website i think is probably a must see bc it explains many aspects of rat care, from which bedding to choose (with product reviews!) and health care information, the importance of enviornment enrichment, and much more ^_^

  5. All the rats that are available to buy as pets have about the same lifespan.  Your best bet is to NOT buy them from a petstore.  Get your rat from a rat rescue.  Check pet finder.  They will be better socialized and less likely to have health problems.  

    Rats live 3 to 5 years.

  6. Rats and cockroaches will live and breed on this earth forever.

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